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Almost like she was flung from the earth above her, Lorraine swung from the gap in the lake's bed only to find herself breathing dusty, cold air. Her back smacked flat against the dusty floor, seeing red lightning flash before her eyes, hearing the rumbles of thunder linger around her. As if someone had suddenly turned up the volume, she could hear the others struggling.

She quickly got to her knees and hands, looking up at them. Like she was watching a car crash in slow motion, Steve struggled to breath as a... thing wrapped itself around his neck. Nancy and Robin were struggling to get it off him with an ore, smacking it with all their might.

Lorraine took a sharp, deep breath, before lunging herself to grab some driftwood and swinging it at the creature Robin was banging on. With all her might, she swung at it, but it didn't budge. She heard screeching noises coming from above, and as she whipped her head up she saw what looked like bats flying towards them. Her eyes widened, as one seemed to go head first for her, her grip tightening around the piece of wood, ready to strike.

Eddie suddenly appeared with an ore in hand, swinging at the bat like he was playing baseball, sending the bat yards away from them. He turned to look at Lorraine, huffing, his hair drenched and sticking to his face. It almost looked like he grinned at her, as he quickly turned around and began to fight off another bat-like creature.

Nancy began to scream as one lunged at her back, clawing at her clothing. Robin quickly stood and was able to smack the shit out of the beast, as Lorraine swung at the bats that were lunging at them. Steve seemed to finally free himself, as he took the bat from it's tail and began to smack it against the floor. Like he was someone else, he continued to beat the bat against the floor, blood dripping from his mouth. He set a foot on the bat, ripping it apart in two as he spat out blood, looking over to the others.

"Jesus H Christ!" Eddie shouted, almost like he was about to throw a tantrum, he tossed his ore to the ground, as he stood and looked at the place that surrounded them.

Lorraine panted, pushing her damp hair back and stared off into the distance. She thought that it was impossible, she thought only shit like this could happen in her head, in a book, in a movie. But there she was, in the middle of Lover's Lake, even though it really wasn't lovers lake. The sky was littered with dark, reddish clouds, every so often hearing thunder rumble in the background. She spat on the floor, the dust that floated around her getting in her mouth.

Her hands reached the back of her head, as the others began to group together near her, all staring at the deep red gash that had opened on the lake floor. Those stupid little creatures began to surround it, like it was defending it. They weren't about to let them go back.

"Fuck..." She exhaled, "They're.. They're..."

"Guarding it." Nancy said sternly.

"Bats have rabies, right? Maybe Steve has rabies, like, it's possible, right? I mean they bit him, and if you get rabies you usually you know di-" Robin rambled on, until something even scarier cut her off.

They all heard a roar of something bigger in the sky, like something was about to come closer. Lorraine's brows raised, she swore it sounded similar to a dragon, like something was about to fly over them and kill them. Instantly.

She hadn't noticed that the others had began to run towards the forest, searching for shelter. Eddie, seeing that Lorraine was mesmerized by the strange world they had just stepped in, turned quickly and grabbed her hand, squeezing it in his as he began to run towards the others.

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