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191 11 14

The fluorescent lights burned her eyes as she sat in the waiting room, resting her head on the wall behind her. She tried not to fall asleep, she blinked furiously, widening her eyes like that would force her not to doze off. She took her hands to her head and shook her hair out, whipping her head back and forth. Sighing, she fixed herself up, sitting as correctly as she could in her seat. Lorraine picked at the peeling faux leather that covered the seat cushion under her leg.

She looked into Eddie's eyes, those chocolate brown hughes melting her inside. She heard him speak, saying the words she had been hoping he'd say. A soft chuckle grew on her lips, slowly turning into a full smile accompanied by a laugh. He joined her, laughing, taking one of his hands and wiping his eye quickly. She squeezed his hands, pulling them to her lips as she began to kiss his palm. Taking her other hand she gripped his neck from behind, pulling him into a deep kiss, giggles escaping their lips as they swayed side to side.

Eddie finally rounded the corner, a doctor handing him a slip of paper. He nodded, giving a small smile as he turned to look at Lorraine. She hadn't noticed, but Eddie always gave her the same look every time he saw her. His eyes would naturally relax, a smile growing slowly, to a point the lines around them looked like they were carved into his skin. Lorraine smiled, matching the intensity that she was feeling inside herself, and stood up.

"So?" She asked, peaking over to read the slip of paper.

"Nothing, a bruised rib. Some Advil and rest." He chuckled, crunching the paper in his hand and sticking it in his back pocket. He wrapped his arm across Lorraine's shoulder, pulling her into him as he guided them down the hallway. He lent over, giving her a quick kiss on the head and whispered.

"Let me get you dinner." He grinned, looking for Lorraine's gaze.

She looked up to him, raising her hand to reach Eddie's that he placed on her shoulder. Slowly peeling his fingers from her, she intertwined her fingers with his, rubbing his rings against her skin. She gave a quick squeeze and a grin.

"Sounds perfect."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She laughed, taking her hands from his neck and brushing hair away from his face.

"I could say the same thing, Lorry." He laughed, tilting his head as he let his hand fall to her waist. He squeezed her closer, she could feel his heart almost jumping out of his chest.

"Well..." She trailed on, smiling, leaning in to kiss him once more. It was like as soon as the words left her mouth, she could feel the walls crumbling down around her. Her legs could stretch and run, she could feel the breeze on her skin, she could take a deep breath. She felt like a missing piece had locked into place.

˜ " * ° • . ✫ . • ° * " ˜

Eddie rushed to the side of the van where Lorraine was sitting, opening the door for her. He stretched out his hand, which she took happily, letting him be a gentleman, at least this time. Eddie laughed, like he was nervous. His chuckles were like a little boy who was trying to get the courage to talk to the girl he liked. He gestured for her to walk up the steps before her, she shook her head at him in disbelief with a grin. Lorraine swung the door open, gingerly leaving it open for Eddie to follow her in.

"It's a mess I know," Eddie said, frantically getting in front of Lorraine trying to collect anything he thought might be embarrassing.

"It's not like I haven't seen you live in this place before." She laughed loudly, holding her elbow. Why am I so nervous?

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