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120 10 8

** tw: substance abuse ** 

"Shit!" She scolded, seeing the smoke come out of the oven as she opened the door. Lorraine took a washcloth and tried to get the pizza out of the oven as soon as she could. Whilst she did, Robin laughed hysterically behind her. She smiled, waving the smoke away from her face.

"I swear I'm usually really good at this." She laughed once more, placing the carbonized pizza on the counter. She placed her hands on her hips and blew some hair out of her face with a sharp huff of breath.

"Hey, I never said I don't believe ya," Robin smiled, kicking her feet up on the small stool that was placed in front of the armchair in the sitting room.

"So," She continued, changing topic quickly. "Since you didn't tell me it was your birthday last week, I want every detail about what Eddie got you."

It was Christamas vacation for Robin, and they had been hanging out for the past couple of days. Lorraine liked having a friend that was somewhat like her, not in the best situation but just trying to make it out breathing. They had talked about Eddie, how he made her feel. In turn, Robin told her about her friends, and a girl named Vickie. Lorraine didn't need her to say it, but she knew that she wasn't just a friend to her.

Lorraine raised an eyebrow, giving her a large grin.

"Okay not those details!" Her face squished in her horror, shaking her head.

"Well," Lorraine giggled. "He did get me my favorite book." She smiled, her eyes wondering to the memory of Eddie's handwriting spread across the tan, tarnished book pages. She bit her lip softly, looking back at Robin.

"Oh, what is it? I'm more of a movie gal myself." She took her feet down, leaning forwards in her seat and placing her arms in her knees, intrigued.

"The Velveteen Rabbit. My mom used to read it to me, well, before she died" She said softly smiling, gulping as she finished the sentence.

"Oh," Robin's expression changed almost immediately, regretting she had asked.

Lorraine shot a hand in the air, walking over to the stool that Robin was using as a footrest. She plopped down, wiping the ash from her fingers with the cloth. "It's okay, it happened a long time ago. She was actually the one that got me into reading and writing." She smiled nostalgically, thinking of those nights she spent with her mother reading all types of books, with different characters and worlds.

"You write?" Robin's voice pulled her from her thoughts.

"Oh, yeah." She laughed tossing the cloth over to the couch. "But I mean, I'm not a writer."

"But that's so cool!" Robin exclaimed, raising her brows and smiling widely. "Are you writing something right now?"

"Sort of, I mean," She stammered, not knowing if it was worth telling. "It's a story about a boy who lives in the woods, and one day he discovers that he really isn't the last person on Earth."

Robin said nothing, almost waiting for Lorraine to continue telling her story. She laughed, shaking her head. "It's still just an idea, I don't have much."

"Has Eddie read it?"

Lorraine froze for a moment, she was so scared that this was a bad idea, a bad story that she hasn't even shown Eddie what she has done so far. She knows he would enjoy it, because it's him. He'd enjoy a two-word sentence if she wrote it.

"I haven't shown anyone, actually." She smiled forcefully.

"Well," Robin said standing up. "Then I must be the first!"

Lorraine laughed, standing up with her. "First let me get us some pizza, I mean, I do owe you a birthday celebration."

"That's true, you do owe me your birthday party." She laughed, as Lorraine went to the phone to order a pepperoni pizza.

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