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The leaves floated softly to the ground, the golden slivers of fall gleaming as the sun hit them slightly. It smelled just like that, a foggy fall evening. Lorraine took a deep breath in, exhaling sharply through her mouth. A city can have better Halloween parties, but nothing can beat the crisp air that Hawkins gave you around this time of year.

She tugged at the edges of her sweater with her fingers, gingerly, trying to fight off the cold chill of fall that had recently started to roll in. There were already kids dressed in cute and not so scary costumes, running around with their siblings and parents. Their pillowcases full of candy dragging behind them, so eager to see what treats they would receive in the next house. Lorraine smiled, trying to remember the last time she went trick or treating, or the last time she got dressed up for Halloween.

Not paying attention, she accidentally bumped into something, immediately she started to apologize.

"Oh, I'm sorry," She said frantically, shaking her head. "I didn't see you."

She looked up at the person in front of her, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt with a Jason mask. She gasped but quickly tried to cover her fright with a chuckle.

"Nice costume," she laughed lightly, raising a thumbs up at the person standing there. He wouldn't move, not even a nod of acknowledgement. She wearily looked around, it was as if no one else could see the man standing there in front of her.

Seeing he wasn't responding, she simply walked around the masked figure and continued walking. She glanced over her shoulder for a second, but the figure was gone.

"Just someone stupid trying to play tricks on me. It's Halloween, that's all." She whispered to herself, pushing her hair behind her ears nervously. She crossed her arms and continued walking to Nancy's house.

˜ " * ° • . ✫ . • ° * " ˜

Robin swung the door open before Lorraine could even knock, she gleamed at the sight of her and grabbed her into a hug.

"You came!" She exclaimed, Lorraine wincing only slightly as Robin's mouth was right beside her ear. She returned the hug, not as tight as Robin though.

"Yeah, I'm here." She chuckled, Robin breaking away from the hug.

"Come in, come in." She gestured eagerly, turning away from Lorraine and rushing inside the house.

Lorraine slowly stepped into the huge home, almost like she was an intruder. She looked around curiously, she'd never been inside Nancy Wheeler's house. It was sort of exactly how she imagined. Well, she didn't know Nancy well enough to make an educated guess, but she did know she was a straight A student, always on brand with the latest trends, but she was also very independent. She was nice to her, she remembered, even though she could not for the life of herself remember any conversation they had together.

"Lorraine!" Nancy's voice came from the living room just off to the side of the entryway. "Wow, it's been so long."

She held out a hand with a drink, a dark liquid with ice. Lorraine took the drink to her nose and smelt it, the burning sensation wrung down her throat.

"Oh sorry, I assumed, you don't need to drink it or anything." Nancy panicked. Lorraine laughed.

"It's okay, I'm fine with rum and coke."

Nancy smiled softly and nodded, turning and gesturing to join the others in the living room. Robin had sat on the floor, leaning her back on the couch, with her legs sprawled out. Steve waved shyly from the couch as she entered. She gave him a nod, smiling awkwardly. Nancy took a seat beside Steve on the couch, while Lorraine hesitated on where to sit.

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