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Lorraine didn't know how they got back into the boat, or how long it took for Eddie to take them to the other side of the lake. Lorraine didn't even know if Jason was still after them, all she could see in front of her was the body of a poor boy, who was scared and alone, dying in the most excruciating way possible. She gripped her hands tightly against the damp wood, looking into the water, like she wanted to abandon ship at any point.

Once the boat reached the shore, Lorraine immediately hopped out. She could hear Eddie calling out for her, as she dizzyingly walked through the thick forest trying to escape the lake behind her. She was trying to catch her breath, like she had run a mile, as she leaned against a tree. Her stomach was twirling, feeling the fear settle in her gut.

Eddie saw her leaning against the tree, her back to him, soaking wet. He brushed his hair back, trying to quickly hop over the tree roots and branches to reach her. As he did, placing a hand on her shoulder, she immediately crippled over and started to vomit beside the tree. Eddie pushed the hair away from her face as she continued, gagging harshly. He rubbed her back with his hand, pursing his lips in defeat. It broke his heart to think she had to see it, it took a toll on him seeing it once, twice is more than enough. But knowing Lorraine, she felt it deeply, she probably could only imagine how it felt.

It seemed she had finished throwing up the contents of her stomach, still leaning forwards as she rested her head on the tree bark. She spat a couple of times, trying to get the taste of vomit out of her mouth. She sighed loudly, finally standing upright, her breaths now getting shorter and fast paced.

Eddie didn't know how he could console her, it was something unnatural that she had just witnessed. He remembered the other night, seeing Chrissy on his ceiling, the sheer panic and fear completely taking over him as he screamed. He sighed once more, continuing to rub her back trying to calm her down. Eddie took her by the elbow, not once taking his hand off her back, as he led them to a boulder nearby. He gently set her on the floor of the woods, making sure that the spot was clear of any cold breezes, as they were both drenched. Eddie felt the chill in his bones, clenching his jaw as he tried to avoid shivering in front of Lorraine.

Lost in his thoughts, the sound of Lorraine weeping brought him back to reality. He crouched near her, taking her face in her hands, trying to sooth her as he cooed. His lip started to tremble, as she began to shake in fear and the cold. He pulled her soaking wet hair out of her face, her brows pulling into themselves, as her eyes closed shut. Although no noise came from her mouth, she continued to cry, as she fell into Eddie's chest. He leaned his back on the rock, sliding down to sit next to her, still holding her close to him.

"Sh.." he cooed, sniffling, wiping a tear that started to gather at the corner of his eye. Lorraine said nothing, as she continued to tremble in his arms. She grabbed his leather jacket, gripping it tightly as she could feel the pain in her chest grow in size.

Eddie banged his head against the rock behind him, frustrated. He wanted to calm her down, he truly did, and couldn't think of anything. He kicked his foot against the leaves and rocks near him, growing angry with himself.

A memory came to mind, a similar situation he had been in with Lorraine. It was the first night after her mother passed, she crawled into his room from the window and hid under the covers. He hugged her tightly, and began to sing a song that he knew she loved, one that her mother listened to.

"If I could save time in a bottle," his voice croaked slightly, the chill getting into his throat.

"The first thing that I'd like to do" He sang lightly, his voice recuperating at the end of the line. He wrapped his arms around her, trying to warm her as best as he could. She was still trembling, her hands grabbing at his soaked shirt. "Is to save every day till eternity passes away,"

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