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"When we got to shore, we uh..." He looked over to Lorraine, as she was leaning against the boulder just to the right of him. About to say what had happened, he bit his tongue. "We tried calling you guys, but, uh..." He said, taking his gaze back to the others as he drank from the flask of water that they had brought.

"My walkie was busted, man. Drenched." He said, covering the flask and settling it between his feet as he continued to crouch only inches from the ground.

"So, uh, I did the thing that I do now, apparently." He clasped his hands together for a moment. Then he smiled, throwing his hands in the air like he was introducing the new character to an act, chuckling softly. "I ran."

Lorraine looked on to Eddie as he spoke, her mind completely out of the conversation at this point. She knew him, she knew how he was. It was weird for her to see him give off the energy of not being afraid, cocky almost, when deep down she knew he was terrified. Taking a hand to her head, she pushed her hair back as she sighed.

Dustin shouted at all of them, taking Lorraine out of her thoughts. He went on about his compass not having worked as they were coming towards Skull Rock. The others went on about so many different things, things that she couldn't believe Eddie could even follow along. Magnets? A gate? The Upside Down? Superpowers? What the hell were they talking about? Did they really think they were going to be able to find a way to kill this thing? Can it even be killed? Her head felt dizzy trying to follow the conversation, all of them seemingly seeing it as something as normal as talking about what they'd make for lunch the next day.

"Where are you going? Hey, hey, hey, hey!" Steve started to shout at Dustin as he turned and started stomping through the forest. He turned around, looking at Steve. "Eddie's still a wanted man. We can't just go for a hike in the woods."

"This little steel capsule might be the key to saving both Max and Eddie." Dustin said, frustrated, as he held out his compass. He quickly calmed down and looked over to Eddie.

"What say you, Eddie the Banished?" He asked, lulling his voice like a Dungeon Master.

Eddie looked around at the faces that were now focused on him. "I say you're asking me to follow you into Mordor, which" He said, scrunching his nose as he tilted his head slightly. "If I'm totally straight with you, I think is a really bad idea."

His gaze started looking over to the tree line, remembering how he saw Chrissy's body strung up on his ceiling, the scream that echoed in his trailer; he could hear Lorraine's bloody scream as she saw Patrick float into the air, bent every which way. He sighed, exhaling strongly through his nose. Dustin was jumping up and down, excitedly, like they were about to start a new campaign.

"But the shire is burning." He said softly, looking over everyone's confused expressions. His eyes landed on Lorraine, her face hanging in fear and confusion as she lifted her gaze to his. Eddie placed his hands on his knees and lifted himself up straight, now turning his head to the others.

"So Mordor it is." He smiled, beginning to walk over to Dustin who almost leaped in joy. Lorraine looked on, almost shocked. They really thought they had a chance at beating this thing, but she wasn't so sure yet.

"What is Mordor?" Steve huffed, contorting his face into a confused expression. Lorraine lightly laughed, seeing how confused the others were about the analogy. She kicked herself off the boulder, folding her arms across her chest as she began walking.

Eddie came back, almost jumping on his toes trying to be as fast as possible as Steve scolded him for not grabbing the walkie and forgetting the flask. As he grabbed them, he looked at Lorraine, trying to give her a look of reassurance that everything was going to be okay.

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