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The wind whipped through her hair as she drove as fast as she could, eager to get home and tell everyone the news. The sun starting to go down, evening had started to roll in. There was no one other than Lorraine on the road. She held a cigarette in between her fingers, leaning her hand on the window frame. She pulled her sunglasses up, to keep the hair from flying around her eyes, singing to the Fleetwood Mac song that was blaring out of the car stereo.

They had accepted the five chapters, and the idea, that Lorraine had pitched to them. They were so excited, they wanted her to return in a few weeks with another few chapters. Lorraine couldn't believe that finally, after so many years, she was getting the break that she needed.

Maybe it was her destiny to crawl back to Hawkins and just let herself be so she could realize what she wanted, what she loved, what was dearest to her. She smirked and blushed as she thought about what motivated her to start the story, to feel like she really wasn't a piece of shit or that she really was meant to just exist in that trailer house. Eddie.

Pulling into the road that led to the trailer park, her stomach dropped. There was an officer standing right outside of his patrol car, and as Lorraine got closer to the car, so did the officer.

She began to roll down the window, her brows furrowed together in confusion and worry. What the hell is going on?

"Morning," Said the officer, as he leaned down to look at Lorriane closely. "Sorry, m'am, you can't come through."

"What do you mean I can't? I live here," She said, sternly, feeling the anger reach through her throat, threatening to scream and act out.

"A body has been found." He said softly, looking around as if he shouldn't have told her that one detail.

Lorraine's knuckles loosened on the steering wheel, her legs went weak, her heart skipped a beat before starting to race once more. Was it Dad? Did something happen? Is Eddie okay? Was he the body?.

"You have to let me through, I live here damn it!", she finally said, almost shouting at the poor officer. He asked for her license and registration as confirmation, Lorraine complied and gave him everything or anything that would let her get into the trailer park as fast as she could. Once the officer confirmed what she was saying was true, he nodded and gestured for her to drive into the trailer park.

For a moment she hesitated, not knowing what she would find once she finally got there, worried that it could be anyone that she knew, someone she loved, someone that if she lost, would send her down a spiral.

Without knowing, she actually had driven slowly down the dirt road, trying not to hit the other neighbors and officers as she eventually got to her trailer. Her heart beat faster, as she saw yellow tape surrounding Eddie's trailer, officers frantically walking and running from one way to another. Off to the side of the trailer was a white sheet, covering what looked like someone's body.

She hadn't parked in her usual spot as she got out of the car, not even closing it behind her, walking towards the trailer. Her eyes fixated on the white sheet, so many faces of people she knew racing her mind, hoping that at least it wasn't the few that she actually cared about. Without realizing, she had started running towards the trailer, before an officer stopped her in her tracks, reaching out his arm to her chest to stop her.

"No!" She screamed at him, trying to move forward, the officer not allowing her to continue. "Who is it?!"

"I'm sorry, m'am, we can't say." He said again, Lorraine struggled to leave his grip, tears starting to form in her eyes as the only thing she could think of was Eddie's face covered with a white sheet.

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