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Eddie grumbled, standing up on the boat and stepping onto the hardwood floor. He peeked through the window, seeing if anyone was out there. He could see two guys sitting in a small boat, fishing. His mind was trying to occupate itself with something other than everything that had been going on. Talking to Lorraine helped, but she was tired and also in a state of shock still. They were adapting, the best they could.

"I'm starving." Lorraine whispered, leaning her head against the wall, crossing her arms.

"Then let's get something to eat." He smirked, heading to the door placing his hand on the doorknob. Before he could open it Lorraine stopped him, placing a hand on his.

"Are you sure we can just..." She said, motioning her head towards the door.

"We'll be fine." He said, confidently. He wasn't sure if that was true, but he wasn't going to act like he was terrified of leaving the shack. Lorraine scrambled to get the walkie-talkie before quickly following Eddie, almost stumbling on her own feet.

They both crouched low as they almost crawled to the steps of Rick's house, moving quickly and quietly as they could. Lorraine grabbed a hold of the chain that bounced up and down as Eddie walked, hoping that it wouldn't make any more noise. That, and the reassurance that she wouldn't lose him on the way, somehow.

Eddie opened the screen door slowly, trying to make no noise as he did, finally entering and giving a sigh as he held the door open for her to come in. He quickly shut it, backing away from the windows, just in case.

Lorraine sighed, throwing herself onto the couch, closing her eyes. "Holy crap, a cushion".

Eddie laughed as he gave her a quick glance before moving towards the kitchen, opening cabinets left and right. He couldn't find anything decent, only finding either emby cabinets or plates and cups. Finally, he reached for one just above eyesight, swinging it open he saw a can of Spaghettios. He pursed his lips, giving a sharp sigh.

"Yeah," He snorted ironically. "You'll do."

Lorraine watched from the couch as Eddie tried to find a pan that wasn't covered in dust. Finally settling on a medium-sized one, which he blew in, almost sneezing as he did. She giggled, incorporating herself and leaning to watch Eddie turn on the stove.

"What's for dinner then, Eddie?" She smirked, watching him struggle to open the can.

"Roast beef." He said, ironically, turning his face only slightly to look over to her, giving her a small smirk. He took a wooden spoon from the drawer in front of him, plopping the not so delightful food into the pot. He swirled the contents for a few seconds, letting it rest as it heated up.

Lorraine stood up and wandered the living room just beside the open kitchen, looking around the house for something that could entertain them. She gleemed when she saw a small radio on the shelf, quickly turning it on and leaving the volume almost to the lowest it could go. The house was so quiet, it sounded almost like the music was blaring at a festival.

She walked over to Eddie who was still fiddling with the pasta. Beside him, she left her hand dangle around his back, marking circles with her finger as she peered into the pot.

"Mm, yummy." She said sarcastically, turning and leaning against the countertop. She placed her hands on the broken plastic and hoisted herself up, sitting there as she watched Eddie. Her legs swung back and forth, almost like a kid waiting for their midday sandwich.

"It's the 'on-the-run' diet." Eddie laughed, turning off the stove as he scooped some of the pasta into the wooden spoon and blew on it. He reached the spoon out, placing a hand below the spoon as he motioned for Lorraine to take a bite.

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