n i n e t e e n

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     I let out a small whimper when I see the sun peaking through my window. Ever since I was little I haven't been able to sleep unless the room is pitch black. Conrad's arm is draped over my stomach, and it takes everything in me to not get up and close the curtains because he looks so peaceful.

I brush a piece of his hair away from his face to see it fully. He looks like a little boy when he sleeps, with his mouth slightly open. I poke his arm and whisper his name quietly. "Conrad."

He lets out a small sigh. "I knew you were gunna say something about the curtains," he grumbles. "You'd always need the room pitch black when we had sleepovers. I got it." He gets up, and shuts them quickly. I smile when the room is back to being pitch black.

He climbs back into bed and I snuggle up to him. He's on his back now, and my head is on his chest. His breathe is even, and I try to match it because it always feels weird when cuddling and your breathing isn't in sync. I started struggling to breathe though and decided it's best to do it at my own pace.

I rub his arm lightly, it's weird to me being here with him. Mainly because it feels so easy, like this is how it was always supposed to be. I always knew I felt a pull towards him, but I can't say when he started to feel that — or if he even feels the same way I do. I know he likes me, I hope he likes me because if not this is a kind of messed up situation. We never had a talk about how we feel about one another, all I know is that he was jealous over mine and Jeremiah's friendship and then we were kissing.

     He may have been jealous because he didn't want anyone else to have me, not because he wanted me. That thought made my stomach sink, and I decided to push that to the way back of my mind and not upset myself over something that I'm not even sure is true.

He leans his head down and kisses my hair. I smile, and let out a satisfied sigh. I love being with him, in his arms.

I scoot up, and press a kiss on his neck. Then another, and another until he's fully awake and I'm kissing his lips. "We'll I could get used to this wake up call," he mumbles again my lips.

I don't know what took over me. Maybe the fear that this wasn't as serious for him as it was for me. I didn't know, but one thing I was sure of was that I loved to kiss him and he didn't seem to mind either. We kissed until my lips were sore, and we were both panting.

I broke away, smiling. I placed one last peck on his lips before he abruptly got up, "I am gunna get a shower." He says.

"But you don't have anything—"

"I'll run home. Get a shower, and come back. I'll be right back," he word vomits. He's facing me, I can hear it in his voice. It's still pitch black so he walks backwards into the door and lets out a soft grunt. "I am getting a shower," he says again then runs out the door.

     My first thought is that he has a boner. The idea brings heat to my cheeks at the fact that I could work him up at that much that he forgets how to form sentences. It also makes me laugh. He was so embarrassed, and I couldn't see him face but I know it was flushed pink also. I smiled, and flipped over falling back asleep.

* * *

I decided today I want to spend the day with Conrad. I also decided that he isn't getting a choice in the matter. I woke up beside him today, now I want to bike ride to the donut shop and get a dozen donuts and two coffees that we'll eat and drink watching the ocean. Then we'll go back to the house, make lunches and pack snacks and spend the rest of the day on the beach. The day will end at the boardwalk. It sounded perfect in my mind.

I shoot Belly a quick text letting her know I'm spending the day with Conrad and we can go to the beach together tomorrow. She answered back with a smiley face and a thumbs up saying don't do anything I wouldn't do. I laughed at her message because she's such a child sometimes. I'm pretty sure me and Conrad have already done more then she would do. Not that it's a bad thing, each to their own.

     When Conrad came back over, freshly showered with his hair dripping wet I was already ready. My hair in a French braid, bikini under my oversized tee shirt and shorts that you can't even see I'm wearing because of how long my shirt is. I have my sneakers on for the bike ride and I'm grinning.

     "Hi, I have a plan!" I grin.

     He smiles, a real smile. Teeth and everything. His dimple is showing, which is how I know it's real. He comes closer and wraps his arms around my waist. "Hi," he says. He places a quick kiss on my forehead. "What is your plan?" He asks.

     "Do you have anything going on today? Can I steal you for the day?" I ask.

     "You can steal me whenever you want," he smirks going in for an actual kiss.

     I'm still smiling when he presses his lips to mine, so the kiss doesn't last long. "Care to spend the day with me, meaning your stuck with me until bedtime. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Can you commit to that?" I ask.

     "Of course I can," he tucks my hair behind my ear. His expression is serious all of a sudden. He's scanning my face in an appreciative sort of way, likes he's afraid I'm going to disappear right in front of his eyes.

     I reach up and put my hand on his cheek.  His skin is smooth, like he just shaved it during his shower. I rub my thumb gently, before I go on my tippy toes to kiss him. This time, without a smile to make it short. It's not a make out but it's a long slow kiss that we're both leaning into. When we break apart, I fall into his chest and hug him.

     After a minute of the embrace I pull apart, "first stop on our day of fun is coffee and donuts. Go get your bike!"

the summer you noticed me ↠ conrad fisher {1}Where stories live. Discover now