t h i r t y - t h r e e

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     It's been two hours and I haven't seen Taylor, Belly, or Steven. They all there is as soon as we got here therefore I don't feel guilty.

Therefore. It's such a proper word, "what are you laughing at?" Conrad snickers beside me.

I gasp, and cover my mouth but then laugh again. This time, my head fall onto Conrad's shoulder. "I completely forgot you were next to me," I laugh harder.

"Claire, did someone give you more to drink when I went to the bathroom?" He asks, he's teasing because I knew he saw Jeremiah hand me another drink when he went to grab me some water. That happened probably about an hour and a half ago though, so I'm not sure if my memory is correct.

I smirk, poking his cheek. "Connie," I say just leaving my finger on his face. "Can you stop being so damn hot, please," I groan. "I just," I pause, bringing both hands to my head. "You make me so insecure sometimes," I sigh. "I don't get why you're with me."

His eyes widen at my words, but I already forgot what I had even said. No need to panic over something I can't remember, clearly it wasn't that important if I forgot.

"A karaoke machine!" I gasp. "Jere, Jere!" I call out.

"Claire, I'm right behind you." Jeremiah's voice says. A hand taps my back and I gasp turning around.

"Jeremiah, hi!" I grin, looping my arms around his neck and hugging him. "Do you see what I see?" I ask, moving my eyes to the corner of the room where the karaoke machine is.

   Jeremiah does a little Ah ha moment, and winks at me before getting up. I'm so glad someone broke the ice because I would have been itching to go up there, I knew Jeremiah wouldn't of let me down.

Jeremiah grins at me. He taps the microphone, and begins to speak into it. "Testing, testing, one, two, three! Checking out, checking out. Alright!"
He says happily. "This one goes out to my Claire Bear," Jeremiah coos.

     The sound of 'Summer Lovin' from Greece comes on the speaker, and I literally squeal.

      By the time Sandy's part comes up I'm beside Jeremiah swaying with him. I feel so alive in this moment I want to run so fast until I fall out of complete exhaustion. It's a weird feeling considering I've never enjoyed running, or got the strong urge to run. I was so nervous about coming to this party and I'm having a blast.

Cam Cameron ends up joining when Belly turns us down. Conrad didn't join in, but he had a huge smile on his face. I wish he'd dance with me. When the song is finally over I can feel how truly drunk I am. Im not sure I like this feeling. My heads all spiny, and everytime I close my eyes I feel like I'm spinning really fast.

      I walk over to the couch, and grab Conrad's hand. I don't say anything, I'm trying to focus. Focus anything but the spins. His touch brings me back to the moment, and I sigh a little when he starts rubbing his thumb across my hand.

     He moves so he's closer to me, "Claire," I can hear the smile in his voice. I want to smack him, this isn't funny. "Claire, open your eyes you'll feel better. I promise," I do as he says.

      Like he promised, the spins are gone when I open my eyes. "My head is spinning," I try to say but it comes out more of me head spin.

      "Yeah, maybe we shouldn't have taken that third drink from Jeremiah, huh?" He asks gently. He moves a piece of hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear.

      I close my eyes, and shake my head no. Realizing that was a big mistake, I groan leaning forward. I rest of head in between my legs and oddly enough this position makes me feel stable.

     "Baby, hey. Can you look at me?" Conrad laughs. He helps me sit up, I nod and stare at him. "Drink some water," he holds a cup up to my lips. It has a straw, so it's easy. He lets me drink a little bit before I stop because it taste so gross.

      "Bleh, why does that taste so horrible." I shiver.

      "Your drunk, that's why." He laughs. "Okay now we're gunna go outside and get some fresh air. Jeremiah and Cam Cameron are out there, want to go see them?" He asks.

     "Jeremiah isn't in here anymore?" I gasp, and turn around to see that the karaoke machine is now abandoned back in its spot in the corner. 

      "No, he isn't. You had your head in you lap for a good fifteen minutes," he laughs.

I turn around so quickly that I feel dizzy and fall into his chest. "Conrad, this sucks. I hate this!" I whine.

"I know. Tomorrow is going to be even worse," he mumbles into my forehead. I let out a small whimper, "But it's okay," he says before I whine even more. "I'll spend the whole day taking care of you," he grins.

"Promise?" I ask, a pout forms on my lips before I can even control it. It feels right in this moment, and I grin as Conrad cups my cheeks and presses a kiss to my nose.

"Yes, I promise. Come on, let's get some fresh air!"

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