f o r t y - t h r e e

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Half a joint, one song in, uncountable amount of alcohol, and one handsome boy in front of me.

"Hi," I grin. I go to place a kiss on his lips when he puts a hand to my mouth stopping me. "What gives?" I say with a small pout.

"How many drinks have you had?" He laughs, head falling back as he laughed at the sky.

"What does that matter?" I say, feeling my frown deepen.

Conrad has never been one to control anything I did. He always seemed to let me figure things out on my own, and waited close by Incase I needed help. It confuses me on why he'd start now, I hope that just because we're dating that part of us changed.

He runs a hand to the back of my head, and grins at me. His dimple is peaking through, letting me know this is a genuinely happy Conrad staring down at me. I have to hold myself back from poking it just to see him fully smile at me. His eyes are scanning my face so intensely that my heart feels as if it does a backflip. I suck in a sharp breath, I'm almost so distracted by the look on his face that I forgot I was supposed to be angry at him, being a feminist with my own choices and all that.

"It doesn't, I was just wondering so two people could keep track for you," he shrugs. "I wasn't asking to stop you from drinking," he says as if he read my mind. I love that he can read my mind. "Besides," he whispers, getting close to my ear. "If drinking makes you keep dancing the way I just saw you, I will keep refilling your drink personally."

I can feel his breath grazes my ear and I shiver. I can feel him smiling into my hair when he places a small kiss just above my collar bone. I pull back, wanting to see his smile but I'm met with something better then that a smile that lights up his whole face. His eyes are shinning and I so badly want to take a picture and capture this moment for a lifetime.

"I love you," I say quickly. I place a kiss on his mouth, hard. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him close to me in every way possible.

It takes everyone whooping for me to break apart from him, only to realize they were cheering for us. "Get a room!" Jeremiah screams. "Belly is too young to see something like that," he says jumping up and covering her eyes.

I part from Conrad, only for him to pull me back quickly. "I have a bit of a situation. We're gunna have to sit over here for a second," he says with an awkward cough.

"What are you—" I pull back and face him over to have him cover the budge in his pants quickly with his hands.

"Oh," I say, eyes widening and averting my gaze.

"Oh, is right. Sit please," he says motioning to the ground.

"Sorry," I whisper. "I didn't kn—"

"It isn't your fault," he pauses and looks at me, slowly up and down. "Okay it is your fault."

"Conrad!" I groan, hitting his shoulder.

* * *

"Oh, okay, but did you know that she was one of the last people to visit Lindsay Lohan's beach club in Myonos before it closed?" Gigi asks.

Shayla leans forward in her chair. "Are you serious?" She gasps.

"Mm-hmm," Gigi nods, grinning.

"Oh, my God. I'd die for Lindsay," Shayla groans, throwing her head back. "Uh, she's a queen!"

I grin watching Stevens face during this interaction. He looks as if he actually has
to worry about his girlfriend leaving him for a famous celebrity.

the summer you noticed me ↠ conrad fisher {1}Where stories live. Discover now