Chapter 1: Runaway

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Michael's POV:

Running away from home seems like a good way to escape a life you're trapped in and can no longer put up with.

Or at least, that's what I believed.

And that's exactly what I did.

Ever since my parents and brother were killed in an accident 5 years ago, and had been taken in by my grandparents following the accident, my life had been turned completely upside down.

My grandparents were strict and very toxic, and I had a hard time trying to stay positive and keep myself going, often finding an escape in the digital world of video games and TV, especially in video games, specifically the 'Kingdom Hearts' franchise, and the 'Legend of Zelda' franchise, among many others, where I learned many life values and learned to respect and make most of the life you're given, that everyone has a chance at redemption should they stray down the wrong path, and that no matter who or what you're made from or came from, you have a life worth living, and that you can become much more than what you were intended to be if given the chance.

This mindset and these values are what kept me going, even at my lowest points, and what shapes me into being a young man of respect and kindness towards all life.

At least, that was the case, until my Grandparents had pushed me too far and I couldn't take living with them anymore.

They had said that I should have died with my family in that accident, and that my existence was a complete burden to them and to everyone around me.

I couldn't take living with them anymore and decided to leave after that.

After I had packed a bag with a few pairs of clothes, some non-perishable food, and a few of my personal items, I left my old life with my grandparents behind, and tried to find salvation elsewhere.

But I have gotten ahead of myself. Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Michael, Michael Crovan.

I am sometimes known as Mike, but I prefer Michael most of the time.

I am 17 years old with brown-ish black hair, with deep red highlights on my bangs, and an extremely rare set of eye colours.

I say colours, because my eyes are different than most other humans.

My left eye is a bright blue color, almost like a mix between light blue and royal blue, while my right eye is a deep red, somewhere between bright red and crimson.

I have a lean, toned, athletic build from exercising alot in my free time, mostly as another method of escape from my toxic home life, but also to keep myself in shape and stay healthy.

And it seems to have paid off, given my situation.

After traveling for what seemed to be weeks, according to my phone, I settled down in what seemed like a cave to wait out a storm that had come through in the previous hour or so.

"Damn, it's really coming down hard out there." I said, in reference to the downpour outside the cave I was in.

I decided to travel further into the cave and make it a temporary shelter for a while. The cave wasn't very long, and as I made my way towards the end of it, I came across a strange remote-like object that seemed to be partly buried in the dirt.

Curiously, I picked it up, and I found it to be in good condition, if not somewhat dusty and chipped in places, but otherwise usable.

"Huh. What's a remote like this doing in a cave?" I asked myself.

I looked around the back of the cave using my phone's builtin light to illuminate it.

There didn't seem to be anything else in here, apart from rocks and plants.

"Might as well see what it does. Maybe it might be helpful." I said, and activated it.

Suddenly, a familiar sound came to my ears, and a bright glow illuminated the cave.

"That can't be... is that a Groundbridge?" I asked myself in astonishment.

I knew what a Groundbridge was, thanks to watching Transformers Prime. I knew the whole story of the show, and was one of my favorites back when it was still running, and I still returned back to it to this day, as one of the many shows I watched to escape my home life. It was an amazing show, one of the best in my opinion, and still holds up today.

Back to the Groundbridge, it sounded just like how it did in the show, but it looked very different. Instead of the green and bluish-whites that usually made up the portal's appearance, this one was red, with blackish-purple colors swirling around in it.

It was almost like the colors had been inverted, and it appeared to be very unsettling.

I wonder where it'll take me? I thought to myself.

I stared at it for a while, contemplating on whether I should go in or not, when a thought struck me.

Maybe I can start a new life wherever this portal takes me...

I thought about it for a long time. I had no other family to turn to, and I didn't have many friends, if any, as I tended to keep to myself and not interact with people.

There was nothing tying me here anymore, so I didn't have any reason to not start a new life elsewhere.

I looked back out to the entrance to the cave, back out to the world I once called home.

It wasn't home.

At least, it wasn't anymore.

I looked back at the Groundbridge, and took a deep breath.

I sent a prayer to my parents, hoping that they would forgive me for the decision I was about to make.

I took one last look at my former home, faced the Groundbridge, and stepped through...

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