Chapter 62: Regeneration

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Normal Perspective:

A few hours had passed since Starscream had gone to the Warship, and in that time, the events that Michael remembered as "Patch" played out, even though he hadn't been around to witness them.

Starscream, Skywarp, and Thundercracker were not sure of what to say to each other upon seeing each other again, for this was their first time being together in years, but the two larger seekers put it aside, assisting Megatron in putting the Autobot seeker through a test of loyalty through a Cortical Psychic Patch.

The test proved successful, and Starscream passed, with Megatron allowing him to return to the ranks. Unfortunately, the test also brought to light Skyquake's 'fate' which Dreadwing did not take well.

Miraculously, the location of the Autobot base had not been compromised, yet, unbeknownst to anyone but Michael, such wouldn't be the case for much longer.

At the base, the humans, along with Raf, who hadn't been to the base in almost two weeks, had arrived back from school, and were talking about Cybertron's eventual restoration, and about Starscream's betrayal.

"You know, I might not be the first human on Cybertron," Miko was saying to the others. "but I can be the first human exchange student."

"Why didn't you tell us about the Omega Keys before?" Jack asked Arcee from the human area, standing with Vince and Jessica, still feeling left out of the loop due to the recent craziness that had occurred in the last week, along with them not being at the base most of the time.

"You probably didn't notice, but things have kinda been tense around here lately." The blue femme replied.

"So... you guys could really be goin' home soon, huh?" Raf asked, who was sitting on Bumblebee's shoulder-plate.

"Don't worry Raf!" Miko reassured. "You'll come and visit! Once we get our place set up, he can bunk with us, right Bulk?"

"Uh... Miko..." The Wrecker said, unsure of how to tell her that she couldn't live on Cybertron due to its toxic atmosphere.

"You are taking me with you, right?" She asked, worried.

Bulkhead didn't reply.

"Aren't we getting ahead of ourselves here?" Ratchet asked. "Not only do we lack any actual method of reaching Cybertron, but Starscream now controls the sole means of our planet's restoration."

"As far as we know." Optimus put in.

"So, like, why would he even betray us in the first place, after everything we all did for him?" Jack asked.

"He must've had some kind of ulterior motive this whole time." Cliffjumper said.

"I knew he couldn't be trusted." Bulkhead growled.

"You think Starscream's rejoined the 'Cons?" Smokescreen asked.

"He might've used the Omega Keys to buy back Megatron's favor." Arcee said.

Ratchet just scoffed.

"Without first trying to sell them to the highest bidder?"

Jessica then looked at Michael, who was standing next to Bumblebee.

"Michael, do you know anything about this with your foreknowledge?"

Michael smiled slightly, knowing that he was now free to explain everything.

"I do. First, let me say that, while Starscream took the keys and yes, did take them to Megatron, the ones the 'Cons now have are useless."

The others looked at him, perplexed.

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