Chapter 20: Operation: Breakdown

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Michael's POV:

It's been about three weeks since the Shadowzone incident, and I, along with the others, had recovered from the incident, though not much happened after that. I continued to work to keep Skyquake's body in the best condition I could keep it, since nothing was keeping his body from graying out or rusting since he wasn't living anymore. It wasn't easy, but I did the best I could.

One day, an Energon vein had been discovered in Russia, and Bulkhead was sent on recon to find it, leaving Miko bored at the base. Jack had a shift at the KO Burger, Vince had a shift at the auto shop, and Raf was feeling unwell, meaning they couldn't come to the base, leaving me, Jessica, and Miko as the only humans there. We were all sitting in the human area, trying to figure out something to do to pass the time since it was just the three of us.

"Oh!" Miko said, after a short fall of silence between us. "Wanna play Marco Polo?"

I thought for a moment, then smiled. I remembered playing it with my brother when we were younger. It would be nice to play it again.

"Sure. I'm in." I replied. "Jess?" I asked, turning to her.

"Sounds fun. I'm also in." She replied.

Soon, we got ready and began playing. It was pretty fun, though Miko got bored after a while and wanted more people to play. So, even though Bulkhead was on a mission, Miko wanted him to play and made the effort to contact him. Jessica and I didn't bother trying to stop her, as she was just gonna do it anyway.

"Marco." She said loudly into the comm. as Jessica and I walked up next to her. "Marco!" She said again.

I knew Bulkhead was unconscious, given he fought Breakdown, but Miko kept pushing, wanting for the green Wrecker to play regardless of whether he was out cold or not.


"Ugh.... Miko...?" Came Bulkhead's voice through the comm.

"You're supposed to say 'Polo'!" Miko said, annoyed. Jessica and I just smirked.

"Huh?" Bulkhead said, then paused for a few moments before speaking again."Miko... Ow.... Tell Ratchet I need a Groundbridge..."

"On it." I replied, and went to activate it.

Soon enough, Bulkhead was brought back to the base and Ratchet set to work repairing him.

"Engaging the enemy on your own was foolish Bulkhead." Optimus said.

"Breakdown jumped me!" Bulkhead replied. "I knew I could take him! Ow!" He said, accidentally burning himself on Ratchet's welder.

"Stay still." Ratchet said.

"But we should see the other guy! Right Bulk?" Miko asked excitedly.

"Uh.... yeah.... about that..." Bulkhead said, knowing Miko would be disappointed.

"You didn't torch him?" She asked in disappointment.

"Not exactly." Bulkhead replied. "I figured you all did."


"When I came to, Breakdown was... just gone." The Wrecker said, not sure why the ex-Stunticon disappeared. "I remember hearing a copter.... Maybe it was Agent Fowler."

"Not me." Fowler said, as he walked into the base from the elevator, having heard the last bits of the conversation. "But I have an idea who. Show me where this 'Connapping occurred."

After Ratchet had finished repairing Bulkhead, he set about looking back at where they found the Wrecker.

"This is where we picked up Bulkhead." Ratchet said, having searched the previous Groundbridge coordinates.

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