Chapter 60: Not So Different

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Normal Perspective:

An hour had passed since Smokescreen's capture, and the Autobots had returned to the base, explaining to Ratchet and Jessica what had happened, and were now trying to look for Smokescreen, but unlike Michael, nobody had a connection with him, so finding him was much harder.

Michael thought that, while the 'Bots were looking for their teammate, it was a good time for him to confront someone he had been meaning to speak with for a while. Collecting what he needed from his room, he made his way to the Command Center, finding the 'Bots gathered around the console, silently watching Ratchet work to deduce Smokescreen's location.

He could've rescued Smokescreen, but knew that this was an event he shouldn't mess with. He also knew that the 'Cons would've most likely found out the location of the base sooner had Smokescreen been stopped from leaving, leading to disaster. At least this way, the base's location was still safe, if only for a bit longer.

Michael walked over to the tunnel as quietly as he could, then as he reached the tunnel mouth, he leaped for the tunnel, transformed into his grounder mode, and sped out of the tunnel, the others hearing the sound and looking over to see the warrior leave.

"Where's he going?" Arcee asked, wondering why he was leaving the base.

"Michael is most likely going out for a drive." Optimus said. "However, we must remain focused on finding Smokescreen, and the Omega Key." He added, turning back to look at the console.

"Wherever Michael is going, I trust that he knows what he's doing."


In the area near the Harbinger, a Groundbridge opened, and Michael rolled out of it, transforming as he did so, the Groundbridge closing behind him.

He looked around, spotting the familiar arch in the distance. Determined, he made his way toward the ship, hoping his counterpart would be there.

Heading in, he heard a familiar noise echoing through the halls of the buried ship, and smirked.

Inside the ship's lab, Michael was playing his ocarina, once again bored as there was nothing else to do, thinking of his next move to obtain the other three Omega Keys.

A sound pulled him from his song-playing, and he looked to see a not-so-welcome faceplate at the door.

His counterpart had found him.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" He asked in anger, not at all happy to see him. "Are you asking for a death wish?"

"No." Michael replied calmly. "I came here to talk to you."

"I don't believe you." Michael sneered, getting up from his makeshift seat and summoning his Keyblade. He then charged at his other self, only for him to summon his own Keyblade and block the strike.

"You might not believe me, but your family does."

Michael froze, and his optics flashed yellow for a second.

"Wha... What did you just say?"

"This isn't what your parents want of you." Michael said calmly. "They spoke to me, and they said they're proud of you, and they want me to help you."

"You're... You're lying!" Michael snapped.

"Would I lie to you?"

Michael didn't answer, and stared into his counterpart's optics.

For the first time, he didn't see his counterpart.

He saw himself.

His actual self.

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