Chapter 30: One Shall Fall

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Normal Perspective:

A few weeks had passed since the Synth-En incident, and things had gone back to normal, or as normal as things could get in a war, anyway.

A planetary alignment and an eclipse were approaching, to which everyone at Jasper Highschool, including Raf, Jack, Miko, Jessica, and Vince, was excited about. But the Autobots weren't, for they knew of a doomed prophecy that had been written long ago, and such an event was not a joyous occasion, but a sign.

A sign of prediction becoming reality.

Early one night, Ratchet and Optimus were by the console, thinking about what had been written in the Covenant of Primus. Starscream was in his room recharging, Bumblebee was in his room relaxing, and Jessica was out with Jack, Miko, Raf, and Vince. Arcee, Bulkhead, Cliffjumper, and Michael were standing around in the Command Center talking, when Optimus spoke up, catching their attention.

"And it was written in the Covenant of Primus, that when the 47 spheres align, a perpetual conflict will culminate upon a world forged from chaos, and the weak shall perish in the shadow of a rising Darkness." The Prime said, as he recited the passage that foretold the prophecy that was fast approaching.

"No skies raining fire?" Arcee asked in a half-joking manner, as she, Bulkhead, Cliffjumper, and Michael walked up.

"Goes without saying." Ratchet replied. "It is a doom prophecy, after all."

"I say it's a load of hooey." Bulkhead said, dismissing the idea to be nothing but nonsense.

"I agree." Cliffjumper added.

"I always assumed they were referring to our home planet." Ratchet said, turning to face them. "But being that Cybertron has been dark for eons..."

"And given what has befallen this planet since Megatron's arrival here." Optimus added.

"Woah woah woah, we've known about these superstitions for ages and never gave them a second thought!" Bulkhead spoke up.

"Why all the ominous rumblings now?" Arcee asked.

"Because the planetary alignment, to which the prophecy refers, is nearly upon us." Optimus answered.

"And it would seem its endpoint... is Earth." Ratchet added grimly.

"Uhhh.... Crazy coincidence!" Bulkhead said, trying to laugh it off, but quickly became doubtful. "R-Right?"

"How long are we talking?" Arcee asked seriously.

"A few days, at most." Ratchet replied.

"However unsettling this revelation may be," Optimus said. "I am more concerned about those who might perceive that the prophecy speaks to them alone."

Everyone in the room knew who he was referring to.


Michael summoned his Keyblade, and studied it keenly.

He knew the mystical weapon protected its wielder from Darkness, and had the power to seal it away, among the many other abilities the Keyblade itself carried with it, no matter its appearance, creation, or type, but he couldn't help but continue to wonder if his Keyblade was a real one that had been forged from the strength of his heart, or was just a replica that he had created himself using his materialization ability like he had done when he first got it, thus having no substance. He still hadn't given it a name, for such a thought hadn't crossed his mind until that point, nor did he know if any other keychains existed in this world aside from the one that adorned his blade.

Shaking his helm, he banished his Keyblade, deciding to go to his room and spend time with Bumblebee. When he got there, he found the young scout laying on their shared berth reading a datapad. He couldn't help but smile at the sight.

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