Chapter 37: A Night Alone Together

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Warning: This chapter will contain sexual/mature content. Reader discretion is advised.

Normal Perspective:

A day had passed since Optimus had been restored and Starscream had been officially made a member of Team Prime.

Optimus had been informed of what had transpired during the few days he had been Orion Pax, and while he was surprised, he was glad to have still been with his team, regardless of whether he had actually been there in his mind or not.

Michael had also informed everyone of what had transpired in the original events, which greatly shocked the team, and Optimus was very grateful for the young Techno-Organic stepping in and preventing Megatron from using him to decode the Iacon Database and taking him away from his team.

That night, everyone decided to go into recharge early, for it had been a crazy and stressful few days for all of them. Even Ratchet, who would normally stay up for days on end to work on things while he had the peace and quiet of the base, did so as well.

Michael was the last to turn in for the night, and headed for his room. Entering, he found Bumblebee laying on their berth, reading a datapad. The young Techno-Organic couldn't help but smile at the sight.

The young scout hadn't noticed him enter the room, and Michael couldn't help but take in his boyfriend's appearance.

His bright yellow and pure black paint, his muscular-looking, slim, sleek frame, his bright, baby blue optics...

He found him both adorable and sexy.

Michael could feel his spike begin to pressurize as he stared, and went a bright shade of blue in embarrassment as he felt his faceplate heat up.

At that moment, Bumblebee looked over, and smiled as he saw Michael, but his smile turned to confusion as to why Michael's faceplate was bright blue.

"<:Michael?:>" He beeped, pulling Michael out of his staring. "<:Are you okay?:>"

"Hm? Oh, Oh. Yes, I'm alright." He replied, slightly flustered.

As Michael walked over and laid down on their berth, Bumblebee put his datapad on the shelf, and the two cuddled together, taking in the warmth the other gave off.

"<:You were a great temporary leader.:>" Bumblebee beeped. "<:I bet you'll be an excellent leader someday.:>"

"And you'd make a fantastic warrior." Michael smiled, knowing that the scout's dream would indeed come true.

He looked into the scout's optics and smiled lovingly at him.

He adored this mech, and wanted to show him how much.

He placed a servo on his faceplate, and rubbed his cheek gently with his thumb. Bumblebee shuddered slightly at the touch, but didn't stop him. Instead, he retracted his mask, showing his scarred, yet smiling, intake.

Michael noticed the way the scout shuddered, and frowned, worried.

"Is... Is this... okay...?"

"<:Yes, Mike. It's perfectly okay.:>"

"I... I can stop if you-" "<:No, Mike, it's okay. Trust me. I know that you would never hurt me... Not like...:>"

He trailed off as his mind wandered, and Michael softly spoke up, knowing what he was thinking.

"Hey... He can't hurt you... And he won't... Not while I'm here..."

Bumblebee smiled, relieved his sparkmate was willing to stay by him, as Michael returned it, relieved he wasn't making Bumblebee uncomfortable.

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