Chapter 32: One Shall Rise: Part 2: Unlikely Alliances

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Normal Perspective:

Optimus and Michael looked around at the many manifestations that surrounded them as Ratchet spoke up from the comm.

"Optimus, have you uncovered any further sign of Unicron's emergence?"

"Unicron is power incarnate." All the figures said at once. "And you, the Last of the Primes, shall perish!"

"I take that as a yes." Ratchet said, having found his answer. "We are on our way!" He added, and he and the others started to head out, but Optimus spoke up through the comm.

"Negative! Unicron cannot be defeated by sheer force! He wants me, Ratchet!"

The Prime then deployed his blasters.

"This fight must be mine alone." He added, and deployed his mask. Then he turned to Michael. "Michael, return to base!"

"No!" The young mech replied, and unsheathed his blades. "I'm not letting you face this alone! You guys were there for me when I needed it most. You took me in and accepted me as one of your own. Now it's time for me to repay the favor! Please!"

Optimus remained silent, thinking.

At last, he decided.

"Very well." He said at last, and the two mechs began to take the manifestations on.

At first, the two did well in taking them on alone, but the two were slowly overwhelmed by the number and strength of the beings, and were soon held down.

Optimus was about to be finished off by one of the manifestations when a Groundbridge opened from high on the cliff, and blue blaster fire shot at the figure, destroying it and saving the Prime.

Bulkhead, Arcee, Cliffjumper, and Bumblebee charged down to the lower level and began taking on the manifestations themselves, freeing Michael and Optimus in the process, who then took on more of the manifestations before the Prime spoke up.

"Did Ratchet not relay my command?" He asked in uncharacteristic annoyance. "Return to base! All of you!"

"Reinforcements will not prevent your destruction, Disciple of Primus."

"Optimus, you're Unicron's target." Arcee said seriously. "Maybe you should consider returning to base."

"These manifestations of Unicron can locate me anywhere on Earth." Optimus replied. "Even our base's shielding would only cloak my position for so long. I will not put others at risk."

"Then fall back and let us take the lead." Bulkhead suggested. "Just this once."

"Yeah!" Cliffjumper added. "You've been a great leader to us, but now it's time for us to lead you.

"You've led and protected us ever since you became a Prime, Optimus." Michael spoke up. "Now it's our turn to protect you."

"Please listen to reason!" Ratchet said over the comm. "If you don't survive Optimus, I fear neither will this planet."

Optimus was silent, considering.

At last, he decided.

"Very well."

The Autobots then regrouped.

"Let's move!" Michael and Arcee shouted together, and they all headed off, taking out the manifestations as they went. Soon, they reached level ground that hadn't been destroyed, and they transformed, using their vehicle modes to take down any manifestations in their way as they tried to outrun the dark god.

But things only got worse when a larger version of the manifestations appeared.

The Autobots transformed and stared up at it in shock.

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