Chapter 34: Orion Pax: Part 1: Living in Denial

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Normal Perspective:

Orion stared.

He and the other occupants in the room just stared at each other in silence.

No one knew what to say.

What could they say?

Ratchet and Michael led the clerk over to the seat outside the Medbay. The very same one Optimus had sat in after his battle with Megatron at the volcano the day before. The Autobot medic scanned him and checked him over, finding no real damage, much to his relief.

Orion looked at each bot in the room as the medic worked.

None of them looked familiar to him.

He then looked over at the human area.

The beings on the higher level near him were much smaller than he and the others were, and yet, looked somewhat similar.

Who were they?

What were they?

Finally, Orion broke the long silence.

"Ratchet?" He asked. "What is going on? Where is Megatronus?" He then looked down at himself, and realized that he had a completely different look to the one that he remembered having. "And what happened to me?"

The CMO looked up from where he was working, and was silent for a moment before speaking.

"Everything will make sense in due time, Orion." The medic replied.

Despite his obvious confusion, Orion couldn't help but smile.

He trusted the medic. They were close friends, after all.

Ratchet soon cleared Orion from being checked over, and the clerk was allowed to get up.

Michael then walked over to him.

"Allow me to... show you to your room." The Techno-Organic said, unsure of what to say in this situation.

Michael led Orion down the unfamiliar hallways of the base until they reached the room that the young mech knew to be Optimus's. Opening the door, he led the clerk inside. The red and blue mech looked around at the unfamiliar room, seeing that it was mostly empty, aside from a berth, a desk, and lots of datapads.

"Get some rest, Orion." Michael said as he turned to leave. "We'll... come back to check on you later."

The grayish green mech then left, leaving Orion alone with his thoughts and many questions.

What was going on?

Who were these strange bots?

What were those small, fleshy-looking beings?

Why didn't Megatronus come with them to this place?

Why were they on a different world that wasn't their home?

Why was he being left in the dark and not being given answers?

Out of all of these questions, one stood out the most.

What happened to Cybertron?

Michael soon returned to the Command Center where the others were waiting. No one had spoken in the time he had taken Orion to his room, and the silence was still in the air when he returned.

At last, Ratchet spoke up.

"In hindsight, we accomplished what was required. With Unicron's awakening, extreme measures needed to be taken. Enemies became allies. Allies became confidants. And with the Matrix of Leadership, the planet Earth was saved, though at immeasurable, personal cost. When Optimus surrendered the Matrix, he lost more than the collective wisdom of the Primes.... he lost himself."

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