Chapter 13: Speed Metal

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Normal Perspective:

Two weeks had passed since the whole adventure with the D.N.G.S. During that timespan, Michael had fully recovered from the convoy incident, and the events that the young teen remembered as "Deus Ex Machina" took place. The events roughly played out the same as the teen remembered, but there were a few differences: Along with the obvious additions of himself, Jessica, and Cliffjumper helping with the mission, he hadn't accounted on Barricade also joining then-newcomers Knockout and Breakdown. He orginally thought that with three extra pairs of hands, or servos, in Cliff's case, things would've turned out differently. Unfortunately for him, he was wrong. He had created the replica of the Energon Harvester to save on time instead of Ratchet making it himself, but it didn't make a difference, and the Decepticons still made off with the real one. To make things worse, along with Miko getting caught by the museum security, Jessica was also caught, and the two girls had to remain with the guard overnight. Thankfully, Fowler came to their rescue, but the Energon Harvester still ended up being destroyed by Bulkhead, much to Michael's dismay.

One afternoon, a week after that incident, Jack was leaving the school to head to base. Jessica and Raf had already left ahead of him, and Miko was stuck in detention... again. As the raven-haired teen was about to leave, he noticed Michael walking up to him.

"Michael?" Jack asked, surprised to find him at the school. "What are you doing here? You don't go here."

"You're right." Michael replied. "I don't."

"Theeeen.... why are you here?" He asked, wondering what reason he had to be there.

"There was something I was gonna take care of, but decided that it can wait." The red and blue-eyed teen said simply. Jack didn't want to know what he was up to, and said nothing.

"Can I leave with you?" Michael asked. "I have no other way of heading home."

"Yes you do?" Jack said, raising an eyebrow. Instead of giving a counterarguement, the young teen just looked at him with a deadpanned expression. Jack then realized who he was talking to, and the amount of witnesses around. He sighed, and gave in. Jack then gave him another helmet that Arcee kept in her subspace, and the two teens prepared to leave. But before they could, they were accosted by Vince.

"Hey." The red-haired teen called as Jack and Michael were pulling out. "Cherry moped." The two looked back at him. Michael gave him a wary look, but Jack just smirked.

"Uh, this 'moped' has dual carbs and can go 0 to 60 in 3.5 seconds." The black-haired teen replied, smiling from under his helmet. The two teens then left as Vince watched, his expression changing from a smirk to a dark look as they headed out of sight.

"That kid just gives me mixed emotions to be completely honest." Michael said, as he, Jack, and Arcee drove along the road on their way to the base.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm sick of the way he treats Jessica, and you guys, for that matter, but something tells me that he hasn't had the best role models in life, even if not having such can sometimes prove to be helpful in how people turn out." Michael said. "Jessica and I know from experience."

"Is that why you were at the school?" Jack asked.

"Yes, it was." Michael replied. "But I realized that trying to talk with him at the school would only cause trouble if things got out of hand. You know how I can get when I'm pushed too far." Jack didn't reply. Soon enough the three came to a stop at a red light. Arcee, who had remained silent during the two boys' conversation, finally spoke up.

"Uh, Jack. A lady's vital stats are her own business." She said. Jack just sighed, while Michael snickered. A voice then spoke up from near them.


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