Chapter 41: Crossfire

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Michael's POV:

A week had passed since Wheeljack's arrival to Earth. Not much had happened after that, allowing us to have another break, which we made sure to relish in, knowing that it wouldn't be the case for long.

And as it turned out, I was right.

One day, Ratchet was at the console as usual when an Energon signal appeared.

"Optimus, I've just picked up an Energon reading." The CMO called, as Optimus and I walked up.

"I can check it out." I said. "If it's only recon, then I should be fine going by myself."

Optimus considered for a moment, then nodded once.

"Very well." He said. "Let us know if you find anything."

"Got it Optimus." I replied.

Ratchet put in the coordinates to the where the readings were, and fired up the Groundbridge. Taking a scanner, I headed through, exiting at the destination point, which turned out to be a forest.

"Oh great. Another forest." I groaned, sick of being in forests.

Honestly, why are readings always being found in forests? It's like Energon crystals grow on trees on this planet. 

I walked for what seemed to be hours, not finding much, and only seeing trees. It soon got dark, and I was getting tired. As I was about to call base for a bridge, a loud scream cut through the silent forest.

Then I remembered what happened here.

"Oh shit!" I cried, and sprinted into the trees, forgetting what I was going to do. I charged through the forest as fast as I could, knowing that I had to hurry.

I was not about to let him die.

Not this time. Not on my watch!

"By the AllSpark, please let me make it in time!" I yelled in desperation.

Eventually, I came to a clearing, and what I found completely shocked me.

Breakdown's body was dismembered; his limbs and internal parts were left in a pile around his chassis. Energon and other mechanical fluids were everywhere. I felt like throwing up, but I kept it down, and surveyed the scene, frightened, my optics going pale green.

To my relief, he was still alive, but barely.

I looked to see Airachnid crawling amongst the broken remains of the ex-Stunticon, her optics wide at my sudden appearance, then her expression changed to a seductive one.

"Airachnid!" I growled in anger, as my optics went red.

"Well, if it isn't my Michael." She cooed. "How nice to see you again."

I ignored her, and summoned my Keyblade, ready to fight her off, but there was something I had to do first.

I needed to hurry.

"Michael to base! Come in! I need backup and medical attention at my coordinates! You need to hurry! Please!" I yelled into the comm.

I only had one shot at this.

One chance to change his fate.

One chance to save his life.

I had to take it.

I charged for the spider femme, making her jump away. I deployed a blaster and fired at her, trying to keep her away from Breakdown. She avoided the shots, jumping from tree to tree. 

A Groundbridge then opened near me, and I prayed that it was help.

Thankfully, my prayers were answered as the Autobots, plus Ratchet, but minus Cliffjumper, ran out with their blasters deployed.

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