Chapter 14: A Team's Bully

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Normal Perspective:

  The next day couldn't come slow enough for the members of Team Prime following the previous night's incident. Vince had a hard time sleeping that night, his mind staying active as it processed everything that had happened over the past few days. He eventually fell asleep, but he instantly woke up, only feeling like he blinked instead of falling asleep. He looked outside to see the dawn of a new day approaching. He groaned, knowing what was coming at the end of the school day, and left his room to start his routine, and get ready for school.

Later, at the school, Jack had just pulled in with Arcee when they spotted a familiar black muscle car with flames on the side pull up. Vince stepped out, and Jack was about to speak up, when the redhead spoke up first.

"I remember, Darby. Unfortunately." Jack just nodded awkwardly.

"Listen, before we go in there's something you need to know. You aren't the only one to know about the Autobots." The raven-haired teen said.

"Let me take a wild guess: The loud-mouth exchange student, the nerd, and Ms. Poor Life." Vince replied rudely.

"Insulting them isn't gonna change the fact that you're gonna be hanging out with them all the time from now on." Jack said firmly, crossing his arms. "They don't even know that you know about the 'Bots yet. You should consider yourself lucky Michael doesn't go here."

"That weird freak?" Vince said, annoyed. "What can he possibly do to me?"

"Trust me, you don't wanna know what "that weird freak" is capable of." Jack said, remembering how short tempered the young Techno-Organic can be at times. Vince suddenly realized that he was lucky. He didn't know the teen all that well, but something inside him told him that getting on his bad side would be a big mistake.

"Whatever, Darby. I'm going to class. Later." The red-haired teen said, and walked away. Jack just sighed, and was about to follow when Arcee, who had remained silent during the whole exchange, spoke up.

"Good luck in school today, Jack."

"Trust me, Arcee. I'll need it." The young teen replied and walked away.

  The day went by slowly for everyone, and things at school become awkward for Vince. He stayed as far away from Jack as he could when he got the chance, and refrained from doing anything physically bad to him, He did throw his usual insults at him whenever he could, but for some reason, he just felt completely out of place doing it now, considering what had happened the previous night. His friends thought that this had to do with the races that gone down between the two of them the last few days, and didn't think much of it. He also left Jessica, Raf, and Miko alone, much to their confusion, but at the same time, they felt relieved. He still bullied the other students whenever he could, but left Jessica, Raf, and Miko alone. The three teens didn't think much of it, thinking that, like Vince's friends thought, that it had to do with the racing, and so didn't broach the subject. But that all changed when their lunch period rolled around.

"Have you guys noticed Vince's change in behavior towards us?" Miko asked, as she ate a fry. The four teens looked over to where the red-haired teen in question was sitting a few tables away from them. He met their eyes for a second, before looking immediately away.

"I have." Jessica said. "I saw him in the hallway during class changes between second period and third period. Usually he throws a bunch of insults at me, or throws paper balls or books at me, but today, he didn't do anything. He just looked at me for a second, then looked away. It was quite strange."

"Maybe it had to do with the race." Raf replied.

"Speaking of which, how was the race?" Miko asked. "Y'know, before you and 'Bee got chased by Knockout." Jack just sighed. He knew they were gonna find out about what had occured the previous night sooner or later, so he thought it was better just to tell them now.

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