Chapter 21: Crisscross

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Normal Perspective:

A few weeks had passed since MECH had abducted Breakdown, with the Autobots coming to the 'Con's rescue. Not much had happened after that, though Michael and Bumblebee's relationship had progressed slightly, and they still spent time together, though they hadn't done anything more than go out on the odd date when they were able to. Michael also spent time with the others as well, though Jack began to have problems at home, as the young Techno-Organic soon noticed, and he already seemed to know exactly what the source was:

His Mother.

Michael already knew that June was overprotective, thanks to his foreknowledge, but he had never had to deal with it in person. His parents had been overprotective, as most parents usually are over their children, but his parents hadn't lived long enough to witness him grow into a teenager, but he knew right from wrong, as he had come to learn on his own. His grandparents, on the other hand, weren't protective of him at all.

They had been the complete opposite.

One night, Jack was "walking Arcee home", and Michael had accompanied them, having decided to hang out with them that day.

"Thanks for walking me home, Jack." Arcee said as Jack rolled her alongside him like a real bike, while Michael tried to keep himself from laughing at the scene. "You're a real gentleman."

"I don't want you revved up before bedtime." Jack replied, trying not to laugh. He then walked up to the garage door and began to open it, unaware of who was standing on the other side. "Mom's a light sleeper, and I don't think she'd understand about-"

"Understand what Jack?" June asked, as the door fully opened. Jack froze upon hearing the voice behind him, and gasped upon realizing who it was. "You breaking curfew for the third time this month?"

"Mom!" Jack said, as he walked back next to Arcee. Michael watched the awkward discussion between Mother and son play out in front of him, secretly grateful that he wasn't in Jack's position.

"Or why your boss called about you missing another shift at work?" June went on in annoyance. "Or maybe the email I received from your Art History teacher who's concerned that you've been falling asleep in class?!"

"Y- Well... two words, Mom. Art and History." Jack chuckled, trying to deflect the questions and find a way out of this situation.

"Tell me the rumors aren't true, Jack." June said, having heard of the gossip surrounding Jack's race with Vince a while back. "Tell me you're not racing that motorcycle."

"No No! Wait, wait! Where did you hear that?!" Jack asked, shocked as to how his Mom heard about his racing stunt.

"Small town. People talk." June replied with a worried expression on her face. "I work in an emergency room, Jack! I've seen what can happen! So please, tell me you haven't fallen in with a bad crowd."

"No! Nononono! My friends are the good crowd! Seriously good!" Jack said. Michael smirked, thinking that, in a way, he wasn't wrong. June looked over at him, and the teen smiled warmly in greeting. June smiled back, then turned her attention to her son again.

"I let you have that bike because you convinced me that you were mature enough to handle it." June said, her annoyance returning. "But I think that you may need a gentle reminder."

"Message received, Mom. Loud and clear." Jack replied as he went to roll Arcee into the garage. "I'm- I'm glad we had this talk."

"I meant," June said firmly. "let's see if a few weeks without the distraction of your motorcycle will do the trick."

"But-" "No 'buts'!" June snapped, cutting Jack off. "You're grounded from everything but school and work, and if you want to take a bike to either, you'll pedal." She added, and gestured to Jack's old bicycle which had gone unused ever since Arcee became his guardian.

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