Chapter 11: New Allies, New Enemies

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Michael's POV:

The day seemed to go by slowly following last night's events. Well, at least for me. As the day wore on, the 'Bots found their own things to do to pass the time: Acree and Cliffjumper went to spar in the trainning room, and Jack went with them to watch. Bulkhead and Miko went to go see the monster truck rally that was in town. Ratchet was working to make some last minute repairs to any equipment that had been missed by the others following the Scraplet infestation. Optimus was in his room working. Bumblebee was wandering around the base. And Raf and I decided to play video games.

I was winning for the most part, but Raf did end up beating me a few times, but we both had fun. Eventually, evening approached, and the kids promised to be home early that night due to spending the night at the base the previous night. Arcee and Jack had already left, and Bulkhead was just about to take Miko home. Raf was able to stay for an extra thirty minutes, after persuading his Mom to let him stay a little longer.

"Night Raf! See you at school tomorrow!" Miko called from the entrance. Raf and I waved in response from the human area, but then I remembered what I had done the previous evening.

"Hey, Miko?" I called over.

"What up, Mike?" She asked cheerfully.

"I... just wanted to apologize for screaming at you yesterday. I shouldn't have let my anger out like that." I said, and sighed sadly. But Miko's expression softened.

"It's alright. And I'm sorry for constantly saying you were jealous." She apologized. "I should've realized that you knew something was up that the rest of us didn't." I didn't reply, but instead, just smiled.

"Goodnight Michael." She said, and climbed into Bulkhead, who had transformed and was waiting to take her home. The green SUV soon headed out, leaving me, Raf, and Ratchet alone. The two of us spent the last 30 minutes of his stay just talking about technology. Ratchet seemed to like this, as it was something he was familiar with, and was a quiet topic, unlike Miko with her guitar. Soon, Bumblebee walked into the room, ready to take Raf home, I looked over as he entered, and Raf got up and went over to him, ready to leave. He wished me a goodnight, and headed over to the entrance. Bumblebee looked over and me, and waved. I just grinned, and waved back, before walking over to Raf and transforming. The young boy climbed into the scout, and the yellow mech drove out the base.

I watched as he left, the warm feeling in my chest returning, and my face went a slight shade of red.

'The way he transforms is so hot...'

I looked over towards Ratchet, who was still working.

'I need to talk to someone about this, and Ratchet and Optimus are probably the best options I have at the moment. Plus, they seem to have the strongest connection to the scout.'

Deciding they were best options I had, I made my way over to the medic, and he looked down as I approached him.

"Ratchet?" I asked, as I stopped next to his pede.

"Yes?" He replied, groaning slightly at being interrupted. "What is it?"

"Can I... talk to you... about something?" I asked, slightly nervous.

"Fine. What is it?" He asked, wanting to get back to his work.

"You and Optimus?" I asked further.

Ratchet raised an optic ridge in surprise.

"You want to talk to us both about something?" He asked.

I nodded, slightly red.

"Please?" I said. "It's important... and rather personal."

Ratchet frowned and offered to carry me. I was so nervous that I couldn't focus on shifting to my Cybertronian form, so I accepted his offer, and we headed down to Optimus' room.

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