Information you should know

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This is my first story. Also I am in school starting The middle of August, so if I'm not done by then, well it will be a while till I am, grammar and spelling may be bad, but enjoy the story, I also post a season at a time.

Y/n Henderson is Dustin's older Step sister and Steve Harrington's Best fail assignment, 003

When she escaped this lab in Hawkins Indiana when she was only 9 years old, Dustin's mom found her and adopted her. Made her become a Henderson. When her brother was 10, she showed him something that she didn't like using but she didn't want to keep her secret from him. He was her brother.

Y/n met Steve Harrington when they were 10 years old ever since they were inseparable. All though once they reached 10th grade they became friends with Tommy and Carol. Y/n didn't like them, they were rude, disrespectful, and disgusting. But Steve was friends with them so she was to. But that year Steve changed and became the king or Hawkins high. They stayed friends of course. Y/n just didn't agree with him all the time Junior year Steve started dating a sophomore Nancy Wheeler. Y/n was jealous but she respected his Decision. But of course she never stoped liking him. Will they grow apart or will they get closer.

I don't own stranger things.
I just own y/n and her backstory

Season 1- Done
Season 2- Done
Season 3- Done
Season 4- Done
Season 5- not started

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