🌗S1- Chapter 5

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When they were back in Mikes basement El was laying on the couch with her head on y/n's lap

"What was Will saying....like home, Like home" Mike spoke up"but dark"

"And empty" Lucas adds

"And cold" Y/n adds

"Empty and Cold" Dustin says

"Like home, Like his house" Mike says

"Or maybe Home in like Hawkins" Lucas exclaims

"Upside down" El suddenly says

"What's she say"

"Upside down" y/n repeats


"Upside down" Mike says louder
" when El showed us where Will was she flipped the board over, remember? Upside down, Dark, Empty."

"Do you understand what he's talking about" Lucas says looking between Dustin and y/n

"No" Dustin says

"Yes, Guys, Come on, think about it, when El Took us to find Will she took us to his house, right?" Y/n said

"Yeah and he wasn't there" Lucas said

"But what if he was there" Mike says "What if we just couldn't see him"

"What if he was on the other side" Y/n says walking over flipping the board "what if this is Hawkins and..." she flips in again "this is the upside down, Where Will is"

"Like the Vale of Shadows" Dustin says he then grabs the DND manual and flips to The right page "The Vale of Shadows is a dimension that is a dark reflection or echo of our world, it is a place of decay and death, A plane out of phase, a place of monsters, it is right next to you, and you don't even see it."

"An alternate dimension" Mike pipes up

"But...how...how do we get there" Lucas asks

"You cast shadow walk" Dustin says

"In real life, smart ass" Y/n says

"We can't shadow walk but maybe you two can" Dustin said looking between y/n and El

" do you know how we get there? To the up side down?"

"No" y/n says and El just doesn't answer

"Oh, my god" Lucas says annoyed

"Ok well we should be heading home because you know, the funeral. Shall we?" Y/n says looking at Dustin

"Yeah" Dustin replies

After they got home, they got changed into the clothes they were going to wear and walked outside getting into y/n's car y/n wore a simple black dress that went to her knees and short black heels.

"Fear not, for I am with you" Pastor Charles says " be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Y/n ignored the pastor and looked over at Joyce and Jonathan to see how they were holding up. And to y/n's surprise they weren't crying or anything, it was weird. Dustin then nudged y/n, Lucas, and Mike to look at the blonde girl crying

"Just wait till we tell Will that Jennifer Hayes was crying at his funeral." Dustin said..to which Karen shushed him. Y/n then walked over to Joyce ignoring Lonnie knowing that they don't like him very much, she gave Joyce a hug

"I'm sorry" y/n said

"It's ok, it's ok" Joyce said and then walked away

Y/n waited around for a little bit and when she turned around, she saw Jonathan and Nancy behind a fence... she then walked over. And they were just getting up "What are you too doing"

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