🎆S3- Chapter 3

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You and Steve are now in the back of this little car type thing while Dustin drives and Erica and Robin are squished in the passengers seat

"Woah slow down man" Steve says

"Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?" You say

"It's the Indy 300."

"No, dingus, it's 500!"

"It's 300!"

"Let's say a million." You say making you both laugh

"What is wrong with them" Erica asks

"I don't know" Robin saids

"Wait, wait, wait, how did you know about the code and stuff" Steve asks

"I spied on Dustin, that's how I know about your twos weird ass hand shake, Dustin's girlfriend Suzie, him going to science camp, and all this Russian stuff, I also saw you beat up that Russian" you say then laughing making Steve also laugh

"Dustin, watch out!" Erica yells to which Dustin then wreaks the car into Barrels making you and Steve hit your heads


"You guys all right back there?" Dustin asks to which you both just groan "they're fine"

Then Dustin opens the back to let you guys out

"Come on. We gotta go, now."

"Come on!" Robin says

"Let's go!" Dustin yells

"Get out" Erica yells tow hich Dustin pulls you both out

"We're coming! This sucks" Steve saids

On the Elevator you were rolling around this red cart that Steve was standing on "Hey! you look like your surfing" you say

"Surfing! Yeah!....I'm a natural check it out!" Steve says you then pull on the cart really hard making Steve fly off

"Wipeout!" You say then laugh as Dustin walks over to Steve and put his hand on his head

"He's burning up." Dustin saids

"You're burning up." Steve says as you sit down

"One sec, one sec, Steve, Steve." Dustin saids as he try's to look at Steve's eyes

"God, no. Ow!" Steve whines

"His pupils are super dilated." Dustin says

"So are hers" Robin saids looking at your eyes

"Maybe they're drugged." Erica saids

"Boop!" Steve says tapping Dustin's nose

"Steve, are you drugged?" Dustin asks

"How many times, Dad? I don't do drugs. It's only marijuana." Steve saids

"This isn't funny, okay? I need to know what they did to you. Are you gonna die on us?" Dustin asks

"Boop!" Steve saids as he taps Dustin's nose again

"We all die, my little brother, it's just a matter of how...and when." You say making him turn to you

"They're gonna be looking for us up there, so I need you to tell me where you parked your car." Dustin saids

"Oh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?" Steve asks

"I would kill for a hot dog on a stick." You say

"All right. Yeah, food. Yes, you can have as much food as you want, but only if you tell me where your car is parked." Dustin saids

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