❄️S2- Chapter 1

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(POV change second person...sorry)

"Son of a bitch, Son of a bitch" you can hear Dustin say through the walls "Another stupid penny"

"Dusty, watch it! You almost hit Mews" You can hear your mom say, so you walk out of your and into the living room

"Dustin what are you doing" you say looking straight at him

"Looking for quarters for the arcade" he says to you "can I please check under your cushions" he turns to your guys mom as you walk back into your room and grab a jar or quarters and walk back out to see Dustin running to his room

"Hey Dustin" you say in your door way holding up your jar or quarters he looks at you and smiles widely and then try's to grab it but instead you raise it above his head "nuh uh uh, not so fast, your not getting all of them, you can have some" you say and then you open the jar and give him 10 "there but no more and be ready to go in 5" you yell Dustin as he runs into his room. You then turn around and walk into your room "ok you gotta leave now, I've gotta take Dustin to the arcade...sorry" y/n tells Steve that is sitting at her desk

"Fine...see ya later I guess" Steve says and gets his book bag and leaves the house, Steve was only over for you to help him with his homework but it felt nice to have him hang out at your place once in a while, you then go to Dustin's room to see him getting his bag

"Let's go, Dustin" you yell at him while you exit his room and go to the front door "love you, mom, we'll be back soon"

"Love you, sweetheart" your mom says as you and Dustin exit the house and get in the car

Once you park outside of the arcade the two boys pull up in their bikes, so you and Dustin get out and walk over to them, then you all hear a honk so you look over to see Will pull up "hey" Dustin calls to Will as you walk over

"Hey will, go ahead and go inside ok" you say to Will as he gets out of the car

"Ok" Will says

You then walk over to Joyce "hey, I'll be with them the whole night" you tell her

"Ok thank you, please make sure he's safe" Joyce says

"Trust me I will" you tell Joyce then walk into the arcade to see Dustin playing "Dragon's lair" and the boys telling him what to do

"No, No, No I hate this overpriced bullshit" Dustin saids "son of a bitch! Piece of shit" he saids kicking it

"You're just not nimble enough. But you'll get there one day" Lucas says "but until then, Princess Daphne is still mine"

"Whatever, I mean you're still top on Centipede and Dig Dug" you say trying to cheer up your brother

"You sure about that" Keith says to the right of you guys eating Cheetos

"Sure about what" Dustin says "no, no" he then runs over to Dig Dug with you on his right "No, No" Dustin yells as he sees he's not the top anymore

"751,300 points" Will exclaims

"That's impossible" Mike says

"Who is Mad Max" Dustin says looking at Keith

"Better than you" Keith says to which Dustin gives him the finger

"Is it you" Will asks to which Keith scoffs

"You know I despise Dig Dug" Keith says

"Then who is it" Lucas says

Yeah, spill it, Keith" Dustin saids

"You want information, I need something in return." Keith says looking you up and down

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