🌗S1- Chapter 6

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"Jonathan, Jonathan" Nancy screams "Jonathan, I'm right here"

"Nancy, Y/n" Jonathan yells

"Jonathan, where are you" Nancy screams

"Nancy, Y/n" Jonathan yells but it's very faint

"Jonathan, Jonathan, We're right, We're right here"

"I'm right here" Jonathan yells back

"Jonathan" Nancy and y/n yell together

"Just follow my voice" Jonathan yells

"Jonathan" Nancy yells as she takes y/n's hand and runs

"Follow my voice, guys, I'm right here" the two then look to their left to see the creature so they run the opposite direction

"Go, go, go" y/n screams as they both run like there's no tomorrow. They then get behind a tree to hide from the creature

"Nancy, Y/n, follow my voice" Jonathan yells, the two then look to their right to see the gate, they then go over to it and Nancy sticks her hand out,

"Jonathan" Nancy yells

"Nancy" Jonathan then runs over and pills her out and y/n crawls out easily since all of the goo was gone because of Nancy taking it all with her. Once she is out the gate closes and so she looks to her right to see Nancy in Jonathan's arms.

Once they are back at Nancy's house y/n gets a shower and when she's goes back to Nancy's room she finds Jonathan putting a towel over Nancy's shoulders

"I'm done, and can go get your shower whenever" y/n says making Nancy look at her and has a soft smile on her face. When Nancy looks away, y/n looks towards the window to see Steve looking like he wanted to cry. And then he looked over at y/n and they made eye contact. "I'm gonna go home" y/n say's before going downstairs and outside "Steve" Y/n says running over to him "it was not what it looked like"

"Then what was it, hm" Steve says angry

"Have I ever lied to you, remember that thing I said earlier, well I got to go anyway and Nancy got super wet, because we were at uh...a family event and they had a pool and stuff...anyway Jonathan was also there because it was uh...for Will and uh Nancy got scared and she tripped in mud so Jonathan offered to take her home and... here we are" Y/n lies. It hurt her to lie to her best friend like that but what else was she supposed to say

"Yeah, sure, and is that all they did, you sure they didn't do anything while you were in the shower" Steve says

"Steve..." y/n says grabbing his wrist "they didn't do anything I promise, I know you probably don't believe me so please do not do anything your gonna regret" y/n says rubbing circles with her thumb on his wrist.

"Yeah, ok...but I have to go" Steve says looking at Carol and Tommy in the car staring at them. He then pulls y/n in for a hug "see ya later, Henderson"

"See ya, Harrington" y/n says before letting go and goes home to see if Dustin is safe

Once she gets home, she goes to Dustin's room to see he's not there, so she goes to her room which is right across the hall, to find Dustin asleep in her bed, so she rolls out her sleeping bag and sleeps there for the night

——time skip——

Y/n wakes up to Dustin shaking her

"What do you want" y/n says tiredly

"Where did you go last night, you know I thought that I lost my sister because you disappeared"

"I'm sorry....I looking for El and couldn't find her" y/n says not mentioning that she went into the upside down

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