🍃S4- Chapter 2

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All of a sudden I hear a banging noise on the board. And then I hear growling and snarling

...it knows I'm here

...It gets louder and louder...I scream for help knowing no one is going to come

"Help Me! Leave Me Alone! Go Away! Go Away! Go Away!"

I shoot up screaming, in a cold sweat, I check my surroundings... my head snapping left and right, breathing heavily

"Whoa, Hey, hey" I hear a voice say and to which I feel a hand on my back and another touch my hand. I turn my head to see Steve, and my breathing starts to slow down "Hey are you okay?" He asks in a soft, gentle voice

I nod and wrap my arms around him, not wanting to ever let go, he wraps his arms around me and leans back down bringing me with. I lay on his chest as he lays on his back looking up and rubbing my back.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks breaking the silence

"No" I say to which I start to think...I should probably tell him about my nightmares about what happened in the upside down, if I'm gonna be open with anyone it should at least be my boyfriend. "I...do you remember when I was stuck in the upside down last year?" I ask him wanting to be truthful with him


"Well, it wasn't the best experience... I don't wanna go into detail but all the bad stuff that happened just seems to never go away...and I have nightmares about it. I have actually had them ever since...." I say and the room goes silent "I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner, it's just-" I say to which he cuts me off

"Babe...it's okay...I mean yeah you should have told me sooner but I'm glad you told me now...and all those things are over now, you don't have to be scared...I promise" he saids to which makes me smile and I lean up to where we can look at each other and I kiss him. After we pull apart, I drop my head to where it lays right beside his.

And that's when I remember what happened last night. My face goes red... as I also realize that I only have a shirt and underwear on while Steve has Sweatpants on. I dig my face farther into the bed, not wanting Steve to see the red glow. And let's hope he can't hear my heat beating because for me that's the only thing I hear.

I feel his arms tighten around me torso and I feel at ease...I fall asleep knowing I was safe.

I wake up to Steve's alarm clock going off...I find myself in the same position we were in when we fell asleep. I struggle to reach Steve's alarm clock to turn it off since he had a tight grip around me. I finally reached it and turned it off. I groan as I see that Steve is still very much asleep.

I tap his face, attempting to wake him but he doesn't budge. I groan in defeat

"Steve..." I say "oh, Steve~" I sing and he still doesn't budge

"Steve Harrington get up" I say in a bit louder voice

"Steve!" I yell and I see his eyes blink and his grip losses a bit "Good morning" I say and smile to which he looks at me smiles

"Good morning" he saids in his low morning voice which makes my flush a red across my cheeks

"We have work, I advise that you to get up" I say and sitting up on the bed, wiggling my way out of his arms and he groans as I do so "I wish we could stay in bed all day too but we got stuff to do so come on get up" I say as I walk around the bed and over to him then grab his hands. I then pull him up to where he sits up on the bed. I lean over and give him a kiss on his forehead.

Steve, Robin and I were restocking the shelf's while Robin rambled about Vicki

"Then Vicki laughed. And it wasn't like a cheap, fake laugh either.it was like... it was a real, genuine laugh." Robin says walking to the aisle Steve and I were in

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