🎆S3- Chapter 4

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El screams in pain as the word like thing moves around in her leg. She cry, tears falling off of her face into my lap and I can't help but she'd a few tears as I watch my sister cry in pain.

"What is that" Erica asks

"There's something in there" Mike saids

"No!" El yells and I squeeze her hand letting her know I'm here

"Jesus Christ" Dustin saids

"Keep her talking. Keep her awake, okay?" Jonathan saids looking at me to which I nod and he runs off

"Jesus Christ" Dustin states again

"Hey, hey, hey. Stay with us. Stay awake, okay?" I say

"Let's get her on this side, get her on this side" Mike saids to which we all gently move her

"Easy, easy, easy" I say as we move her

"It's, uh.... You know, it's not actually that bad" Robin starts as I set El's head back on my lap and hold her hand while Mike holds her other hand "There was a... The goalie on my soccer team, Beth Wildfire, this other girl slid into her leg, and the bone came out of her knee, six inches or something, it was insane." Robin finishes

"Hey Robin" Steve saids


"You're Not helping" I say

"I'm sorry" she saids as Jonathan gets back

"Okay. All right, El?" Jonathan saids "this is gonna hurt like hell, okay?"

"Okay" El sobs and squeezes my hand

"Need you to stay real still." He saids while putting plastic gloves on "Here, you're gonna want to bite down on this, okay" Jonathan saids and gives me a wooden spoon to put in her mouth to which I do while Dustin again saids "Jesus Christ"

Jonathan then takes out a hot knife and puts it up to El's leg and looks between me and Mike for approval To which me and Mike look at each other then nod

"Do it" I say

"Okay" Jonathan saids and with that cuts right into El's leg and El screams and squeezes my hand and I look away not wanting to see my little sisters leg being cut open.

"Oh shit" I hear Dustin say, I then hear the knife hit the ground and I look back at cut open leg and then I see Jonathan stick his hand into El's leg and I gasp at Jonathan's actions and El screams with the wooden spoon in her mouth. I squeeze El's hand

"Jonathan" Nancy yells

"Stop Talking" Jonathan yells back and moves his hand making El scream even move in pain "Goddamn it" Jonathan yells as he can't seem to find the thing in her leg

"No! Stop it!" El yells as the wooden spoon drops out of her mouth "Stop! Stop" and Jonathan takes his hand out while El starts to sit up and let's go of my hand so I help her and have my hands on her back for comfort "I can do it....I can do it" she raises her hand to her leg and we can hear the flesh in her leg move. I can feel the electricity coming off of her as she yells in agony. She screams as she tries even harder to get it out as the electricity grows then the window beside us breaks but luckily I threw the pieces the opposite way so they wouldn't hurt anyone. And El finally gets the creature out of her leg and it shrieks. She hovers it up for a little while and then throws it across the room and stops screaming and the electricity stops coming off of her. I take my hands off of her back to see little electricity bolts between my hands and her back but the father I move my hands the more the disappeared until they were gone. Weird. The creature try's to crawl away only for it to be crushed by someone's foot... we all look up to see Hopper, Joyce, and....Murray? What is he doing here I thought to myself.

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