🌗S1- Chapter 1

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It was November 6th 1983 in Hawkins Indiana, y/n was playing DND with her adoptive brother and his friends.

"Something is coming. Something hungry for blood" Mike says behind his DND Book "A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness" Mike says with a little raise of his voice "It is almost here"

"What is it" Will asks in concern

"What if it's the demogorgan" Y/n's brother, Dustin asks "oh Jesus, we're so screwed if it's the demogorgan"

"It's not the demogorgan" Lucas says

"An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber" Mike says slamming pieces on the board. The other four jump.

"Troglodytes" Dustin says

"Told ya" Lucas says laughing

"Wait a minute, did you hear that" Mike says softly. Y/n slouched forward a little. "Tha-that sound" Mike says "boom...Boom...BOOM" Mike says getting louder each time. Slamming the table on the last Boom making everyone jump back "That didn't come from the troglodytes. No that....that came from something else" Mike says "The Demogorgan!" Mike tells slamming the piece on the board making everyone groan.

"We're in deep shit" Dustin says

"Will, your action" Mike says

"I don't know" Will says worriedly

"Fireball him" Lucas says

"He'd have to roll a 13 or higher" y/n says

"Too risky, cast a protection spell" Dustin says beside y/n

"Don't be a pussy, Fireball him" Lucas exclaims

"Cast Protection" Dustin and y/n say in unison

"The Demogorgan is tired of your silly human bickering" Mike says slamming the table making the four whip their heads to face him "It stomps towards you....BOOM"

"Fireball him" Lucas says

"Another stomp, BOOM" Mike exclaims

"Cast Protection" Dustin and y/n say in unison again

"He roars in anger" Mike yells

"And....FIREBALL" Will yells throwing the dice on the board which then flew off the table

"Oh, shit" everyone says as they get out of their seats to find the dice

"Where'd it go" Lucas says

"Where is it" y/n says

"I don't know" Will says

"Is it a 13" Dustin says

"I don't know" Will says

"Where is it" Lucas says as Dustin repeats "oh my god"

"Mike" Mikes mom, Karen yells from the top of the stairs "Mike"

"Can you find it" Lucas says

"No, I can't find it" Will says

"Dustin stop saying oh my god and help look" y/n says to Dustin. He ignores the girl.

"Mike" Karen yells again

"Mom, we're in the middle of a campaign" Mike says

"You mean the end, fifteen after" Karen says as Mike runs up the stairs

"Oh my god, Freaking idiot" Lucas says

"Why do we have to go" Will says

"Oh I got it" Will says "does a seven count"

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