❄️S2- Chapter 5

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Dustin slept in your room for the night since he was scared, that morning you fake being on the phone with an animal shelter so your mom just thinks mews ran away "y/n, Dusty, you're sure she's not in your room" your mom asks to which you put up your pointer finger telling her one sec

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, thank you so much, Mr. McCorkle. Thank you so much. You say "you are a true lifesaver,All right, this is great, thank you, all right, have a good one, Bye-bye now. all right. You too" you say then put the phone down turning to your mom " all right, great news."

"They found her?" Your mom asks

"No. But they saw her wandering around Loch Nora." You say

"How did the poor baby get all the way out there" Your mom cry's

"I don't know. Lost, I guess. But they're gonna look for her. And we'll stay here, just in case they call again."

"And you're gonna go help look? Yeah? Yeah?" Dustin says "Give is a hug. Give us a hug." Dustin says as you both hug your crying mother

"Go get here. You're gonna find her" you say as your mom runs to the door

"We can find her" Dustin says

"We can find her" She repeats

"We love you" you say blowing a kiss

"I love you both" she says

"We love you" Dustin says

"I love you both" she says again

"All, right, go" you and Dustin say in sync "all right" then your mom leaves while you and your brother share a look before going to the back yard and opening the hurricane shelter then Dustin went to the shed to get hockey gear to put on himself then to the fridge to get meat they then made a trail though the house, out the back door and to the hurricane shelter

"Do you seriously need all of that gear" you ask your brother as you both go to the shed

"Yes, ok so you're gonna be the bait and then use your new ability that you learned with your powers and trap dart in the shelter" Dustin says

"Ok", you then stand in the doorway or the shelter and wait for Dart, Dustin then goes inside to open her bedroom door to let dart out you see him run out into the shed, you then see dart coming out of the house he then gets to the last piece and see you "hey buddy, wanna go play some games, yeah? Come on, come on" yes say pointing to down in the shelter, dart then charges in as you make yourself fly to get out of his way and close the doors behind you locking them then landing "I'm sorry. You ate our cat" (yes, you learned how to make yourself fly by lifting yourself up with your powers, all though your get a good nose bleed from it) you then wipe the blood away from your nose as Dustin comes out

"That was awesome" He yells "I'm sorry dart" Dustin says as Dart screeches you both then digged a grave for mews after as you were burying mews Dustin was trying to get ahold of someone "Guys, this is Dustin again" Dustin says "Does anyone copy? This is a code red. I repeat, a code red" you both were then getting cleaning supplies to get out the blood stains in Dustin's room "I really need someone to pick up here, Hopper's MIA, and I've got a code red, Code red" you both are now scrubbing the blood stains getting them out of the carpet "All right, it's Dustin again, seriously I have a code red, Erica? Erica, is Lucas there, where is he, is he with Mike, please tell him it's super important. Please tell him that I have a code— Yep, code red. Exactly" you then take Dustin mic

"Listen here you little brat, the next time you see Lucas, you will tell him the Dustin and Y/n Henderson have a code red and if you don't, oh, we'll just know I know where you sleep" you say then looking at Dustin to see what she said, he then gives you a thumbs up, signaling that she actually listened.

You both then ride your bikes to Mikes house and go ring the door bell

"Your line has been busy for over two hours, Mr. Wheeler, Do you realize this?" You ask

"Oh, I do realize" Ted says

" is Mike home" Dustin asks


"No? well, where the hell is he" you ask

"Karen, where's our son" Ted yells at Mrs. Wheeler

"Will's" Karen responds

"No one's picking up there" Dustin says

"Nancy. What about Nancy" You ask

"Karen, where's Nancy"

"Ally's" Karen responds

"Ally's, our children don't live anymore. You didn't know that?" Ted says

"Seriously?" Dustin asks

"Am I done here" Ted asks

"Son of a bitch. You're really no help at all, you know that" Dustin says as you two walk away

"Hey! Language" Ted yells

As you and Dustin pick up your bikes you see an all to familiar maroon car pull up, you drop your bikes as you see Steve get out and walk down the hill

"Steve" You call out

"Are those for Mr. or Mrs. Wheeler" Dustin asks

"Hey. What the hell? Hey!" Steve says as Dustin grabs the flowers out of Steve's hands

"Nancy isn't home"

"Where is she" Steve says

"Doesn't matter, we have bigger problems than your love life" Dustin says getting in the back of his car as you get in the front

"Do you still have that bat?" You ask

"Bat, what bat?" He asks

"The one with the nails" you say

"Why?" He asks

"I'll explain it on the way" Dustin says

"Now?" Steve asks

"Now!" You and Dustin yell at the same time

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