🌗S1- Chapter 4

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Mike told Lucas to tell Dustin and Y/n to go to Mikes house so that's what they did since they weren't going to go to school. But y/n was very angry with Mike.

Once they got there and went downstairs the first thing y/n did was slap Mike across the face "ow! What was that for" Mike said

"That was for the way you treated El after she tried to help us, she didn't know what was gonna happen so you can't blame her or tell her she was lying because did you ever stop to think that maybe she didn't even know, you have no idea what me and her have been though, also you never slap a scared little girl the way you did, and you never speak to a girl like that do you understand Michael Wheeler" Y/n snaps at him to which he just nods "now come here" y/n says holding out her arms to which he does what he was told and hugged her. "Now what did you need" y/n asks

They then all sit in a circle with El in the fort she sleeps in El then uses Mikes supercom to find Will to which she does

"We keep losing the signal, but you heard it, right" Mike says

"Yeah, I heard a baby" Lucas says


"Mike, you obviously tapped into a baby monitor, it's probably the Blackburns next door"

"Uh, did that sound like a baby to you, That was Will"


" Lucas you don't understand he spoke last night, words, he was singing that weird song he loves, even El heard him"

"Oh, well, if The weirdo heard him then I guess-"

"Are you sure you're on the right channel" Dustin says cutting Lucas off

" I don't think it's about that" Mike says "I think somehow she's channeling him"

" like... Like Professor X." Y/n speaks

"Yeah" Dustin says

"Are you actually believing this crap?" Lucas says

"I don't know, I mean... do you remember when Will fell off his bike and broke his finger? He sounded a lot like that" Dustin says

" did you guys not see what I saw... they called Wills body out of the water, He's dead"

" well maybe it's his ghost maybe he's haunting us"

"It's not his ghost" y/n says

"And how do you know that" Lucas says

"Because I know how our powers work they only connect to someone alive, someone breathing air, that means that body they found wasn't actually his body"

"He's out there somewhere" Mike says "all we have to do is find him...we need to get El to a stronger radio and maybe y/n can help El find him"

"Mr. Clarks Heathkit ham shack" Dustin suggest"


"The Heathkit's at school, There is no way we're gonna get the weirdo in there without anyone nothing, I mean look at her"

They then go to Nancy's rom to find makeup for y/n to put on her. When they find some the boys look around for more stuff while y/n sits down in front of El and does her make up El and y/n are then brought a blonde wig and a dress, y/n help El get her wig on and put the dress on once they walk out the boys turn to see El in a pink dress and the blonde wig

"Wow, she looks-" Dustin says

"Pretty" Mike says "Good....you look pretty good" she then walks to the mirror in the hallway

"Pretty....Good" El whispers

They all bike their way to the middle school once they get there, they get off their bikes and walk in.

"Okay, remember, if anyone sees us, look sad" Mike says and then the announcements go off

" attention students, there will be an assembly to honor Will Byers in the gymnasium now, do not go to fourth period"

Once they reach the door Mike try's to open it but it was locked

"It's locked" Mike says

"What" Lucas says trying to open it

"Hey do you think one of you can open it" Dustin asks "with your powers"

"Boys?" Mr. Clark asks they all face him so quickly and then immediately fake sad well except y/n and El " The assembly is about to start"

"We know, We're just, you know..." Mike says

"Upset" Lucas adds

"Yeah, de-definitely upset" Dustin speaks

"And we need some alone time" Mike adds

"To..cry" Dustin adds

"Yeah...listen, I get it. I do, I know how hard this is, but let's just be there for Will, huh? And then"Clark says then reaches for the keys of the door and throws them to Mike "the Heathkit is all your for the rest of the day. What do you say? I don't believe we've met, What's your name" Mr.Clark asks El


"Eleanor! She's my, uh—" Mike starts

"Cousin" Lucas exclaims

"Second Cousin" Dustin adds

"She's here for Will's funeral."Mike also adds

"Ah, well, welcome to Hawkins Middle Eleanor, I wish you were here under better circumstances. And y/n Henderson nice to see you again" Mr. Clark says

"You too Mr. Clark" y/n says

"Shall we" Mr.Clark says

"Yep" Lucas replied

" actually since I don't even go to this school anymore I don't have to be in there so could I just chill in the Heathkit" y/n says

"Uh...sure" Mr. Clark says. Mike then throws her the keys to which she opens the door and close it behind her. She then get everything for when they come back. Once she's done she sits down and think, she thinks about everything that's been going on, everything that she has went through.

When the rest of the party gets back Dustin tells her about Mike and Troy's little fight El then sits beside y/n in front of the radio

"Now what" Dustin asks

"They find him" Mike says "Right, Guys" They don't answer but they then close their eyes, hold hands and concentrate on finding Will, we can't actually hear anything the boys are saying, we are in this black abyss with a thin layer of water see Will calling for his mom in this orange goo "Mom, Hello? Mom, Mom? Mom, Mom, it's coming!, It's like home, but it's so dark...It's so dark and empty. And it's cold! Mom...Mom...Mom please" their eyes then shoot open and let go of each other's hands when the radio sparking and lighting on fire, Dustin quickly grabs the fire extinguisher and blows out the fire. El's eyes keep closing and has a really bad nose bleed but Y/n on the other hand has a minor nose bleed and is making sure everyone is ok.

"El, are you okay" y/n asks

"Oh" Lucas says looking at El's state

"Can you move" Mike asks "Here help her up" Mike says To which him and y/n help her to her feet and then y/n carry's her bridal style out of the school.

1184 words

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