❄️S2- Chapter 6

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As you were driving Dustin explains what happened

"Wait a sec how big" Steve asks

"First it was like that" Dustin says putting up his fingers and "and now he's like this" Dustin says putting up his hands

"I swear to god, guys, it's just some little lizard, okay" Steve says

"It's not a lizard" you say annoyed

"How do you know?"

"How do we know if it's not?" Dustin asks

"How do you know it's not just a lizard" Steve asks

"Because his face opened up and he ate our cat" you yell very annoyed

Once you got to your house you got out and Steve opened the trunk and grabbed the bat and you all went over to the shelter

"I don't hear shit" Steve says

"He's in there" Dustin says then Steve taps the door with his bat

"Oh my god" you say and then you go to open the door

"No, No" Steve says which makes you back up "All right, listen, guys. I swear, if this is some sort of Halloween prank, you're dead" Steve says putting the flash light in Dustin's face

"It's not" Dustin says

"All right?"

"It's not a prank" Dustin says

"Get it out of his face" you say to Steve

"Do you got a key for this thing" Steve asks, ignoring you

"We don't need one" you say as you unlock it, Steve then opens it and gives Dustin his flash light, once it's open Dustin gives Steve back his flash light and Steve shines the flash light down the shelter

"He must be further down there" Dustin saids

"I'll stay up here in case he tries to escape" Dustin saids making you and Steve look at him and then shake your heads and sigh, you both walk down there and you turn the light on with your powers and right under the light was this skin like goo thing you and Dustin saw earlier, Steve picks it up with his bat

"Oh shit" you say Steve then points the flashlight at the wall and there's a tunnel "Oh Shit" you say

Steve then points his flashlight at Dustin to which makes Dustin jump back "get down here" Steve says

Once Dustin is down there he sees the skin goo stuff "Oh, shit" Dustin says then Steve points his light at the tunnel "Oh, shit"

"You two really are siblings, huh?" Steve says then he walks over to the tunnel

"No way, No way" Dustin saids as he looks down the tunnel

That night Steve stayed over in your room, you out out a sleeping bag for him on your floor

"There" you say getting up, and getting on your bed sitting next to Steve "so...uh, I guess Nancy really is the one, huh"

"What? Oh,...uh I'm not so sure anymore...I think she's with Jonathan now, so I probably mean nothing to her now" He says

"All ready?" You say, you then grab his hand and intertwine your fingers with his "I see that this is hard for you,
I'm sorry that this happened, but I want you to know that I'm here for you" you say him as you lean on his shoulder

"You always are, huh?" He asks

"Yep, Always" you say with a smile, then you turn off the light but you left your other lights on that are like the ones that are in Dustin's room

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