🌗S1- Chapter 2

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They all were in Mikes room standing in front of the scared, cold little girl.

"Is there a number we can call for your parents" Mike said while the girl just looked at him

"Your hair do you have cancer" Dustin said. Y/n nudged him in the arm for that

"Did you run away" Lucas asked

"Are you in some kind of trouble" Mike asks

"Is that blood" Lucas asks as he reaches for her but before he could reach her Mike slapped his hand away

"Boys, Stop it. You're freaking her out" y/n said

"She's freaking me out" Lucas replies

"I bet she's deaf" Dustin says then claps his hand which made the jump back "Nope, Not deaf"

"Dustin, Seriously" y/n says as she walks over to comfort the girl "All right, That's enough, all right. She's scared and cold....Mike go find her some clothes" y/n says. He then runs over to get clothes. While sitting there the girl jumps at the sound of thunder. Y/n rubs her back and takes her hand

"Here, these are clean. okay" Mike says.

The girl takes them and wipes her face a little before setting them down beside her and getting up. When she gets up she starts to take off her shirt. The boys look away while y/n holds her hands down in front saying "No, No, No"

"Oh my god, oh my god" Dustin says

"See over there. That's the bathroom...Privacy, get it" y/n said pointing at the bathroom in the corner of mikes basement. The girl looked at her and then grabbed her clothes and walked over to it. Y/n was about to close the door before. The girl stopped her. "You don't want it closed" y/n asks while she walks a bit closer.

"No" the girl says

"Oh so you can speak? Ok how about we have it like...this" y/n says as she cracks it a little "is that better" y/n asks

"Yes" the girl says

Y/n walks away from the door to let her change "This is mental" Dustin said"

"At least she can talk" y/n says

"She said "no" and "yes", Mikes three-year-old sister says more" Lucas says

"She tried to get naked" Dustin said

"There's something seriously wrong with her. There is something seriously wrong with her, like wrong in the head." Lucas says pointing at his head at the last part

"She just went like.." Dustin says then imitates pulling his shirt off but knocking his hat off

"I bet she escaped from Pennhurst" Lucas said ignoring Dustin

"From where" Mike said

"The nuthouse in Kerley County" Mike said

"You got a lot of family there" Dustin says

"Bite me" Lucas says

"Seriously though, think about it" Lucas says "that would explain her shaved hair and why she's so crazy" then something clicked in y/n's head "buzzed hair" her hair was like that when she was in the lab and when she escaped she didn't know much words or any social skills. People thought she was crazy too.

"Why she went like.." Dustin said imitating pulling his shirt off

"She's an escapee is the point. She's probably a psycho" Lucas said as y/n walked to the bathroom

"Are you ok in there" y/n said as she peeked in to see the girl looking at her confused on how to put the shirt on. Y/n walked over, "Here let me help you" she said and grabbed the shirt but before she put in on. She looked at the girls wrist which read "011" "so your eleven I'll call you el for short" y/n said El look

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