❄️S2- Chapter 7

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You wake up, to find yourself on Steve's back, while he walks down the railroad and the rest are in front, when you realize the position you two are in your face glows a nice shade of red

"What are we going" you ask adjusting your arms

"Hey, take it easy...you took a pretty nasty cut to your upper right thigh, other than that your okay, and I'm not sure where we are going" Steve saids calmly, you then bury your face into his neck

"It hurts" you say blandly, not in as much pain as you were earlier

"Yeah, I know, I know, but it'll get better, once we get you to a hospital" Steve saids

"Ok" you say

"You're positive that was Dart?" Lucas asks Dustin

"Yes. He had the same exact yellow pattern on his butt." Dustin replies

"He was tiny two days ago." Max says

"Well, he's molted three times already" Dustin says

"Malted?" Steve asks

"Molted. Shed his skin to make room for growth like hornworms" you but in to which everyone turns to you and Steve, seeing your awake

"Y/n are you ok, I was so worried" Dustin says as he runs up to you, taking your hand

"I'm fine, Dustin" you say

"Are you sure your okay, there was a lot of blood that you lost" Lucas pipes in

"Yes, I am positive"

"Okay" Dustin says then keeps walking making everyone follow

"Anyway, when's he gonna molt again?" max asks as Steve hands you his flashlight so you can shine the way and he can hold on to you, making sure you don't fall

"It's gotta be soon" Dustin saids "when he does, he'll be fully grown, or close to it" Dustin says

"And so will be his friends" you say

"Yeah, and he's gonna eat a lot more than just cats" Steve says

"Wait, a cat" Lucas says stopping Dustin "Dart ate a cat?" He asks

"No, what? No" you and Dustin say in sync

"What are you two talking about! He ate Mews" Steve says

"Mews? Who's Mews?" Max asks

"It's Dustin and y/n's cat" Steve says to which you slap his arm with your free hand, as you and Dustin yell "Steve"

"I knew it! You both kept him!" Lucas says

"No! No, no, we..." Dustin says looking at you then back at Lucas

"No, we... he missed us" you say to which everyone gave you a "really" glare

"He wanted to come home" Dustin adds

"Bullshit!" Lucas says

"We didn't know he was a Demogorgan, okay" You say

"Oh, so now you admit it?" Lucas says looking between you and Dustin

"Guys, who cares? We have to go" max says

"I care! You both put the party in jeopardy! You broke the rule of law!" Lucas says

"So did you" Dustin yells

"What?" Lucas saids

"You told a stranger the truth!" Dustin saids shining a flash light in Max's face for a second to which she scoffs

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