🍃S4- Chapter 1

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"Son of a bitch" I hear Dustin say as I walk into his room "Try Tigers86"

"Tigers86." Copy that" I hear Suzie say

"Jiminy crickets, Dusty. I'm in." Suzie says

"Holy shit"

"Dustin what are you doing" I say getting his attention to which he almost falls out of his chair "Dustin you are gonna be late" he puts up his index finger and goes back to his mic

"I'm running out of time here." Dustin tells Suzie

"Just hold your horsies, Dusty-bun."

"Do you see it"

"Yeah, I see it. Yikes, Dusty"


"Okay let's go" I say

"All right, all right, thanks Suzie, love you bye" Dustin saids then we go outside "idk why you rush me when you aren't even driving me to school"

"Because mom thinks it's my responsibility for you to be at school on time" I say walking over to Steve's car and opening the back door while Dustin gets on his bike

"Why though"

"Oh my god, I don't know Dustin, Because she does, it's mom, now when I get home we are having a very long talk about why you are getting Suzie to hack into the schools database and changing your grades."

"Shit, do not tell mom"

"I'll think about it" I say and get in the back seat of Steve's car since Robin was in the front finishing whatever. I close the door to see both of them staring at me. "What..." they both turn around and I buckle my seatbelt.

While we were driving, I was telling them about me having to deal with Dustin's issues this morning. "I don't know he is a complete troublemaker, does like any of this make sense to you guys"

"Yeah" Steve says

"Robin?" I say "Robin, are you even listening" I say looking at the girl putting makeup on

"Uh, yes"

"What did I say"

"Something about Dustin being a perfect child"

"No, He's a complete troublemaker"

"Cut me some slack, please. Your family life is odd and it is 7:00 in the morning, we have the stupid pep rally, and I woke up looking like a total corpse" Robin saids runing her hands down her face

"You're worried about a basketball pep rally?" I say

"You expect us to believe that?" Steve saids

"Yeah? So?"

"So we all know what this is about. Okay? We're not buying that. This is about Vickie." Steve saids to which Robin snaps her head his direction. Robin told me and Steve that she was gay about two months ago, we were just working a slow day and we were behind the counter playing truth or truth because we all such at making up dares. Anyway I asked Robin who her crush was and that's when she told us about her being gay and about her old crush that always never looked away from Steve and of corse that's when Steve told us his muppet joke and then Robin finally told us about Vickie...of course we supported her and she is happy with her decision for telling us

"Absolutely not." Robin saids then turns back around

"Yes, it is." I say for the back and she gives me a glare

"You know what else I think?" Steve asks

"I really don't care-"

"I think you gotta stop pretending to be someone else when you're around her...okay...you just gotta be yourself"

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