🌗S1- Chapter 7

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Y/n gets out her supercom and radios Dustin "Dustin this is Red night, this Red night, do you copy, over"

"Yes I copy, we found El and we are back in Mikes basement over"

"bad men, bad men" Lucas yells "answer you son of a bitch"

"Lucas, y/n, if you can hear us, slow down, we can't understand you"

Lucas and y/n are now biking as fast as they can on a road "yes, we copy! Do you?" Lucas says "they know about Eleven! Get out of there! They know about Eleven, The bad men are coming! All of them! Do you hear me? The bad men are coming!"

"I think they got it Lucas" y/n says

"We can only hope" Lucas says
"Dustin, Dustin do you copy"

"Yeah, Lucas, they're on us" Dustin says

"Where are you"


"Meet us at Elm and Cherry"

"Copy, Elm and Cherry"

They then see Dustin, Mike and Eleven turn on the road they were on so they all stop beside each other

"Lucas, y/n" mike says

"Where are they" y/n asks

"I-I don't know"

"I think we lost them" Dustin says, just then the trucks pull up behind them

"Go, go, go, go, GO!" Y/n screams, as they speed away on their bikes "Faster, Faster"

"Shit, shit, shit" Dustin says

And then a van pulls in front of them so El and y/n look at each other Y/n then stops the van from moving to which makes a dent in the front so El then makes the van flip over their heads and land in front of the other vans making them all stop, so the party bikes away as fast as they can

"Did not expect to see you, y/n"

They soon get to the junkyard they found before with their compasses "holy, holy shit, Did...did you see what they did to that van" Dustin says

"No, Dustin, we missed it" Mike said stochastically

"I mean that was..."

"Awesome" Lucas says "it was awesome" Lucas says looking between el and y/n then walks over to El " everything I said but you being the trader and stuff...I was wrong, I'm sorry"

"Friends..." El said as Lucas puts a hand on her back "friends don't lie, I'm sorry too"

"Me, too" Mike chimes in and puts out his hand for Lucas to shake to which he does. Y/n then puts a arm around Dustin's shoulder while her and Dustin grin at the three

They are now sitting in a circle making a plan

"This is Randolph Road, right her" y/n saids making a line in the dirt "the fence starts her, and goes all the way around" making a circle

"And this is the lab right here" Lucas adds putting a can in the middle of the sticks

"The gate's gotta be in there somewhere" y/n adds on

"It's gotta be" Lucas says

"Well, who owns Hawkins Lab?" Dustin says

"The sign says Department of Energy"

" department of energy? What do you think that means"

" it means government. Military."

"Then why does it say "Energy" Dustin asks

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