🎆S3- Chapter 1

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When you woke up, you immediately got up ready to fight whatever pulled you there. But the only thing you saw were vines everywhere. You knew to be careful around those. You started crying knowing that you were probably going to die in there alone and sad. You cut hurt and that just made you cry even more. You looked around the room expecting a big hole beside you but there wasn't. The room looked exactly how it did before. How it was supposed to. The only things that were different was there was vines and gray particles, looked like ash. And it was cold. Good thing you had warm clothes on.

After a good bit you stopped crying and calmed down. You knew that survival wasn't really an option but you could survive for a bit of time at least. You then looked around the building quietly and cautious of your surroundings. You found four big wooden boards in the basement and tables in each room and a bed you then stacked them in the room that was supposed to have the gate and once you were done you put them up against the doors so nothing could get in. And the bed in the middle of the room. You knew that it wasn't smart to go look for food or anything to drink because it would probably be moldy or just decaying in General.

Yes you didn't want to die. But you didn't have a choice. You couldn't open the gate otherwise it would bring trouble to Hawkins again and you didn't want to do that to your friends and family. You sat on your bed and began to think about anything and everything. You wanted to go home, you wanted to be home. But you had to stay of else you would be that bad guy for even opening the gate in the first place. You decided to sleep since there was nothing else to.

-A few days later-

It already felt like you have been there for a year. You decided to check up on Dustin so you knew what the date was and what he was up to. So you closed you eyes and started to look for him.

After a while you found him. He was at a graveyard. With everyone. And it looked like your funeral. You walked up to all of them knowing they can't see you. Most of them were crying especially your mom and Dustin. There was nothing you could do at this point. You put a hand on Dustin's shoulder, you knew if wasn't going to do any good but at least you tried to comfort him. But he looked at his shoulder and then his eyes went wide so you immediately took your hand off knowing he felt your hand or maybe even saw it. Then you opened your eyes and started to cry

-two months later-

you had no idea how you were still alive for this long but you were glad. You would check in in Dustin and we'll everyone every now and then. And you were currently listening in on a conversation between your brother and the one and only Steve. Dustin had gotten ready for the snowball and Steve is the one that dropped him off

"All right, and here we are" Steve saids "so remember, once you get in there..."

"Pretend like I don't care." Dustin saids

"You don't care"

"I don't care"

"Oh my god, my brothers an idiot" you say

"There you go. You're learning, my friend. You're learning." Steve saids to which Dustin then moves his mirror so he can look at himself "Hey"

"What?" Dustin saids

"Come on. You look great, okay? You look...you look great. Okay? Now you're gonna go in there..." Steve saids


"Look like a million bucks"


"And you're gonna slay 'em dead."

"Like a lion" Dustin saids then purrs

"Yeah, Don't do that, okay?"

"Okay" Steve then puts his hand up to which Dustin shakes it

"Good luck" Steve says to which Dustin gets out and Steve watches him go in but then his eyes drift to a certain someone and then back to in front of him and drives off so you open your eyes smiling at the fact that Dustin was in good hands

-one year later-

You were happy that you could still connect with Dustin. You were there to see some times in his life. Like the time him and Steve made a stupid handshake, the time Dustin made these cool inventions at Science camp, and the time He got with his current Girlfriend Suzie. You were happy for him. But you had no idea how you have survived this long and why the gate was a sliver. But you had an idea of why the gate was opening. Lately you have been watching over Dustin a lot because of the gate. He has lately been working with Steve and Robin to figure out what these Russians were saying that he recorded on a tape when all of his friends left him when he was trying to contact Suzie. And once he did Robin cracked the code and they had to figure out how to get in the room that had all these boxes and once they did they needed help so they got Erica Sinclair in to the equation. So now your brother was currently watching Steve fight this Russian in the comms room of the Russian base. And Steve surprisingly won by hitting the guy in the head with a mic. You applauded even though he couldn't hear you.

"Dude! You did it! You won a fight!" Dustin saids then runs over to the man and grabbed his keycard

"What are you doing?" Erica saids

"Getting is our ticket out of here."

"You want to walk all the way back?"

"Well, we can hang out for a little bit, relax, have a picnic maybe."

"Have a picnic? We came here for the radio."

"This plan is way better. If I knew Steve could knock out a Russian, that would've been our first plan in the first place. But I guess we're.." Dustin says

"Guys" Robin interrupts "there's something up there." To which you all run up the stairs and go though the door and then look out the other doors

"Holy shit" Dustin and you say as you look at the gate being open and you finally knew what was on the other side so you open your eyes

1093 words

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