🌗S1- Chapter 8

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Once they got to Jonathan's house, they got out and got the stuff they need for this mission and walked inside, sitting the stuff down they then put Some or the light bulbs back up, once they were done with that Jonathan put in the bear trap in the Hallway, Nancy loaded her gun, Jonathan put screws in a baseball bat, while y/n puts gas from the bear trap to wills bedroom they then put a yo-yo  is connected to the bear trap on a chair in wills room. Once they were done, they grabbed three knifes

"Remember" Jonathan starts while they stand In a circle

"Straight into Wills room. And" Y/n saids

"Don't step on the trap" Nancy continues

"Wait for the yo-yo to move" y/n saids

"Then..." Jonathan says then clicks his lighter "All right, you guys ready?"

"Ready" Nancy and Y/n say in sync. They then hold the knifes against the palms of their hands

"Oh three" Jonathan says "one...two...you don't have to do this"

"Jonathan, stop talking" Nancy says

"I'm just saying, you don't have to" Jonathan keeps going

"Three" y/n says to which they all slice their hands, blood pours as they all rush to make a trail oh blood and then they go to a sink to make the bleeding slow down, y/n grabs the bandages once the blood slowed and Nancy and y/n start wrapping their hands while Jonathan gets his bleeding to slow down, once he's done, he sits on the couch trying to wrap his hand himself but, it doesn't really work so Nancy sits beside him and helps him

"Did you hear that" Nancy asks

"It's just the wind" Jonathan says "don't worry, my mom, she said the lights speak when it comes."

"Speak?" Y/n asks sitting on the couch across from them

"Blink" Jonathan says "Think of them as alarms"

"Is that too tight" Nancy asks

"No, it's fine, thanks...Nancy"


There's then a knock on the door, which makes everyone jump

"Jonathan, are you there, man? It's... it's Steve!... listen, I just want to talk!" Steve says knocking on the door

Y/n then opens the door

"Steve, listen to me" y/n starts only opening the door a little bit

"Hey, y/n, what—"

"You need to leave" y/n saids

" i'm not here trying to start anything, Okay?"

"I don't care about that. You need to leave"

"No, No, No. Listen, I-I...I messed up, okay, I messed....I messed up, okay, really, please....I just want to make things right, okay.. Please, please...wha-hey, what happened to your hand? Is that blood" Steve asks taking ahold of her hand to which she rips away

"Oh- nothing, nothing, it was an accident" y/n says softly

"What's going on?"


"Wait a sec. Did he do this to you" he says trying to open the door


"Let me in" he says walking in

"No, No! No Steve"

He then sees Nancy and Jonathan standing up and a baseball bat with nails

"What is... what the...Nancy?"

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