🎆S3- Chapter 2

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You prepared yourself for this you needed to escape without making contact with the laser or whatever it was. So you started to float, you decided to go over it, you opened the gate to where you could fit and went through. You were now covered in this goo.

"ew" you say then look at one of the platforms beside the Machine to see Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica

"Holy shit, Holy shit, y/n!" Dustin yells to which makes everyone look at you to which you land beside Dustin on the platform "Holy shit, Holy shit, Holy shit"

"Dustin shut up" you say

"Guards! Go!" Erica yells

"This way!" You yell and push some Guards out of your way as everyone follows you

"Oh, shit! Oh, shit!" Steve saids and then pushes some barrels into the Guards

"Come on! Go, go, go, go, go!" You yell and have everyone go in front of you

"Shit" Steve says

"This way"Robin saids and goes though a door so you all follow "come on, quick!" Steve then shuts the door behind you and holds it

"Y/n" Steve saids to which you run to him to help hold the door closed

"Shit" Dustin says

"Here! Come on, Let's go!" Erica says to which Dustin and Robin follow

"Come on!" Dustin says

"Go! Just get out of here!" You say

"No, come on, now! Y/n I can't lose you again" he says with tears in his eyes already

"No! Just go get some help, okay! Please Dustin just go!" You say crying already

"What are you doing?" Steve saids seeing Dustin not leaving
"Go!" You and Steve yell

"I won't forget you! I love you sis!" He saids then leaves

"Love you too" you say quietly then look at Steve to see him already looking at you. Then the door bursts open throwing you and Steve against the wall and the Guards put their guns up at you two so you put your hands up

The Guards took you to a bathroom so you could take a shower since you were in the upside down and you could have a disease or something. Once you were done and got dressed in a green shirt and blue jeans that they gave you since your clothes had that goo on them.You walked out to see Guards waiting for you they then took you cuffed you and put you in a room where the general was going to interrogate you

"Who do you work for" the General asks

"Your mom" you say and smile

"Who do you work for"

"No one, I'm a free girl, and actually that is thanks to you and those weird scientists. You made that happen. So thank you actually" you say to which he looks at the Guard and he slaps you across your face

"Why were you in that place" he asks

"That's none of your business" you say to which the guard starts to walk over but before he could touch you, you use your powers to throw him back into the wall and unhook your hand cuffs and stand up "you know I would love to stay and chat but I have things to do and places to be. And your in my way" you say just as you were about to throw him in the wall behind him he looks behind you, so you do too and then you get punched square in the face, really hard. To the point it made you pass out

You wake up to have big hand cuffs that looked like miniature collars Papa would use when a kid was bad. You were being dragged to a room "Get your hands off me." You yell as they throw you in the room and you look beside you to see Steve hurt badly "Hey? Steve? Steve....Steve?" You ask as the General walks in the room "What did you do to him? What did you do?" You yell to which you get slapped in the face and you fall back. And you grunt in pain. The guard then picks you up "Don't touch me!" You are then sat in a chair "Steve, wake up. Steve?" You say as they strap you and Steve in chairs back to back "What did you do?" The General then grabs Steve's hair and raises his head "Don't touch him"

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