❄️S2- Chapter 3

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You and Dustin then sneak in the house and try to go to Dustin's room

"Dusty, Dusty, how was it" your mom says running over

"H-how-how-how was what" Dustin asks

"How was what?" The greatest night of the year, of course" your mom says

"Oh. Oh, yeah, it was... it was, uh, tubular" Dustin says

"What's wrong with you"


"Did something happen"

"No nothing happened mom, Dustin's just really tired from all that running around, right?" You say

"Yeah, yeah right... so tired" Dustin says

"Ok your acting weird" your mom saids

"I am not acting weird" Dustin saids to which there is thudding from Dustin's trap box thingy

"Whoa" you say as your mom screams

"Awesome, right? Yeah... I rigged the trap with, uh," Dustin tries to get out

"A motor to make it look like he caught a ghost" you say saving your brother

"Just like the movie" Dustin says to which your mom laughs nervously

"Oh, Dusty" she says as they both start laughing to which you just stand there confused

"Funny. Look at that. look at that" Dustin says walking off to his room while you follow, you then close the door behind you

" I told you to keep quiet, all you had to do was stay still for one minute." Dustin talks to the creature "ok you ready" Dustin asks you to which you nod, Dustin then lifts the lid of his turtle cage as you then take the turtle out with your powers "sorry, Yertle. Temporary eviction, buddy." Dustin says as you set Yertle on the ground next to you, Dustin then opens his fake ghost trap and you lift the creature (with your powers) and set it in the cage to which You and Dustin lean down to look at it and smile at the cuteness of the creature

"What are you, little guy" Dustin says

"It's adorable but scary at the same time" you say "what were you doing in my trash"

"You hungry?" Dustin asks thens puts all of his candy on his bed

"Are you sure it's gonna eat candy" you ask him

"I guess, we'll find out" Dustin tells you then picks up a Nougat bar rips it open and throws pieces of it in the cage to which the creature stays under the log but try's to get out

"Nougat, go on eat" Dustin says as the creature shrieks at the heat?

You then look at the light "too hot" you ask then turn it off to which the creature then goes out from under the log and eats the candy bar pieces

"Sorry about that, little guy" Dustin says "you like Nougat too, huh?" Dustin asks

"Your pretty cute, you know that? I'm glad We found you" you say looking at the little creature

"D'artagnan, I'm gonna call you D'artagnan"

"But Dart for short" you add to which the little creature jumps and starts eating again "ok I'm gonna take Yurtle to my turtle cage and get some rest, make sure Dart is safe in the cage ok? Good night Dusty and Dart" you say leaving the room with Yurtle

The next morning you drive to the library before school with Dustin, you pick out five books on mythical creatures, Eastern reptiles, south America reptiles, and stuff like that. Dustin then places the books on the front desk in front of the librarian

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