🍃S4- Chapter 7

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I open my eyes to find a red glow, I swim down the Lake to the best of my ability. I find the gate Steve was talking about. I push myself through the gate which was fairly easy since it pushed my right through and I hit the ground ruffly.

I look over to see Steve being held, stretched out, and being eaten by bats and being strangled. I stand up and run over to him. I pull away the two that we're eating his sides away from him with my powers.

"Hey there" I say as I hold them up and let the lightning run out and fry them like toast. I drop them. I turn to see the rest fighting off bats.

I see one of the bats coming for Nancy and I quickly pull it away before it could get to her. I see that Robin and Nancy are having trouble with the one around Steve's neck.

"Y/n, watch out!" I hear Eddie yell to which I turn around and a bat tackles me to the ground. It bites into my flesh and I yell in pain as I start to bleed out. I grabbed the bat by its neck. Another bat comes flying my way and I quickly hold it in place as I stand up.

I squeeze the one with my hand so much that the head pops off and I drop it. Two more fly towards me and I hold them in place with my free hand. I let the electricity run out again and run into their veins letting it toast them from the inside. I let them go once I was done. I look at the others seeing them all watch as Steve rips the wing off of the bat that was around his neck then throw it as blood pours from his mouth.

"Steve" I run up to him and grab his hand "Are you okay?" I ask looking at his wounds

"Jesus Christ" Eddie yells

"Well, they took about a pound of flesh. But other than that, yeah, never better" Steve saids looking at me to which I look up to him. I place my head on him shoulder as our hands are still interlocked.

"Uh, do you guys know if these bats have, like, rabies?" Robin asks

"What?" Steve asks

"It's just that rabies are, like, my number one greatest fear. And I think we should probably get you to a doctor like really soon. Because once the symptoms set in, it's too late. You're already like dead."

We then hear more bats chittering in the distance. We look over to see a swarm of bats flying our way. Eddie, Robin, and Nancy run to hide behind Steve and I. We watch as the bats circle the gate and protect it so we can't get back.

"All right. There's not that many. I can take them" I say we then hear more bats in the distance. We look up to see a huge swarm of bat's flying towards us.

"You were saying" Robin saids

"The woods. Come on." Nancy saids to which we all turn and start running again.

We now Hide under skull rock as the swarm of bats fly past us

"Oh...okay." Robin saids as she then gets up seeing that the bats are gone. We all also get up. "That was close"

"Yeah, too close" Eddie saids

Steve then stubbles into the side of the rock

"Steve?" I ask "Jesus" I quickly run to him

"I'm fine. I'm fine" Steve saids

"No, No, No. You're not, you're losing blood." I say "Come on, sit. All right?" I say to which he does "All right"

He then takes his hand off the wound. I rip the fabric off the bottom of my shirt as Robin sits Next to us

"Okay. So the good news is I'm pretty sure wooziness is not a symptom of rabies. But Um, if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms or you start feeling aggressive like you wanna punch me, Let me know." Robin saids

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