❄️S2- Chapter 2

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"Oh! I want to see those pearls. Yeah!" Your mom says taking photos of Dustin "who you gonna call, oh... y/n get in the photo with him"

"Uhm...fine" you say as you walk over and take a photo with your brother "we need to go to school, mom...no more photos" you say as you push your brother out the door "love you...you taking your bike to school today?" You ask your brother

"Yep, love you sis" Dustin reply's getting on his bike

"Love you" you say getting in your car and drive to school, not in a costume, once you walk in the school Nancy comes up to you

"Hey, y/n... during free period me and Steve are gonna go to the library to do homework, if you wanna join" Nancy says while walking with you

"Sure, why not" you say

During free period in the library, Nancy's pencil point snaps, so she gets up and sharpens it, while she sharpens it she starts at a girl that looked like Barb from the back

You nudge Steve and point at Nancy to which he looks and gets up, you watch the two interact, Nancy then takes Steve's wrist and motions you to follow, so you get up and follow them to a room

"I can't keep doing this" Nancy says looking between Steve and you

"Doing what?" Steve asks clueless

" pretending like everything's Okay."

"What are you talking about?"

"Barbara, it's like everyone forgot, it's like nobody cares. Except her parents. And now they're selling their house."

"Nance-" you try to calm her

" and they're going to spend the rest of their lives looking for her."

"I know" Steve starts

"It's destroying them"

"I know. Okay? I get it. But listen, there's nothing you can do about it"

" yeah, we could tell them The truth" Nancy whispers

"Well, you know that we can't do that" you say looking at her

"We don't have to tell them everything" Nancy says looking between you and Steve

" this isn't some game, Nance. If they found out that we told any..." Steve starts and then closes the blinds then walks back " They could put us in jail. Okay? Or worse, they could destroy our families." Steve whispers

"They could do anything they what, listen I want to tell them too, but Nance, it's not a good idea, okay?" You whisper

"Just think about what you're saying" Steve says "hey...hey, hey..." Steve starts then sits on the table so he could look her in the eye "hey, it's...it's hard, but let's...let's just go to Tina's stupid party...wear our stupid costumes that we've been working on for a stupid amount of time, and just pretend like we're stupid teenagers, Okay? Can we just do that, just for tonight?" Steve asks rubbing her arm trying to cheer her up

"Okay" Nancy says

"Come here" Steve says hugging her, as you watch them

"Group hug" you say as you join the hug to which they both laugh

As you get to your car, you here max and Billy talking

"Your late, again" Billy says

"Yeah, I had to get catch-up homework." Max says

"Jesus. I don't care, you're late again, and you're scan home. Do you hear me?" Billy says

"Hey Max, if you ever need a ride just ask me, okay" you say

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