❄️S2- Chapter 4

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"WILL" you scream as you are able to move again, you run the black dust to see what was happening, and that's when you see black partials going into Will from all around him "Will, come on, wake up" you then feel your powers regenerate so with every once in your body, you use your powers to push away the partials but instead it looked like it all just went in him, Will's eyes shot open and you both were in the real world again

Before Joyce could take Will home, you grab her arm "hey,um ...I don't think that, that's Will, I saw this black dust go into him, you need to get him checked out, please" you said to which she hugs you and nod, then walks away,

Ok that totally freaked me out, Did that not freak you guys out" Max says

"Two episodes in two days" Lucas says

"It's getting worse" Mike says

"I think it's true sight?" Lucas asks

"What's True sight" Max asks

"It's nothing" Lucas saids

"Ok, everyone get your stuff I'm taking you home" you to say to which they all rush to get their stuff you go and get your car from the high school and drive to the middle school to pick them up, they put their bikes, and skateboard...in your trunk (don't ask how it fits, I don't know) The boys get in the back while Max gets up front

"Ok so, where is your house Mad Max" you ask

After you drop everyone off and your on your way to your house Dustin pulls out Dart from on top of his head "Holy shit, I thought we lost him, hey buddy" you say to which Dart chitters happily

"Yeah, don't tell the others, they will Kill me if they find out" Dustin says

"You know I won't" you say while Dustin puts Dart in the trap and in his bag

The next morning you run to Dustin's room already ready

"Good morning dart" you say as you see Dustin feeding him "we gotta go to school, but we'll be back soon"

"Sound good" Dustin says to which Dart chitters happily, Dustin then puts the blanket over the cage

"Ok, you ready" you ask Dustin

"Yeah, let's go" Dustin says, you both then walk out to your car and go to school

While at Steve's Basketball practice, you were doing your homework on the bleachers again

"All right! All right, all right, King Steve. King Steve, everyone. I like it. Playing tough today." Billy says making you look at the two

"Jesus! Do you ever stop talking? Come on!" Steve says to which Billy just laughs "what?"

"You afraid the coach is gonna bench you now that I'm here? Huh?" Billy says then charges at Steve knocking him over. You get up knowing practice was over and walk over to Steve and lend your hand to which he accepts

"Are you ok?" You ask

" yeah, I'm fine" He says

"Ok well go get a shower, you stink" you say walking out of the gym you then see Mike running up to you

"What is it Mike"

"Party member meeting, come on" Mike says running to the middle school with you behind him

"We need to talk. AV room. Right now" Mike says running to the others with you "party members only." Mike says as Max gets up

"Come on Mike" Dustin says

"No! This is non-negotiable"

"Sorry max" you, Dustin, and Lucas say then go in

In the AV room

"Will didn't want me to tell anyone, But on Halloween night he saw a sort of shadow in the sky."

"A shadow, what kind of shadow" Lucas asks

"A black dust" you say

"You've seen it?" Mike asks to which you nod

"That is What we saw in the field yesterday"

"Well can of hurt him, I mean, if this shadow thing isn't from our world..." Lucas asks

"I'm not sure. Dustin?" Mike said

"Well, if you're in another plane, you can't interact with the material plane, so theoretically, no, the shadow can't hurt him"

"But that's the ring Will didn't interact with it, it interacted with Will, this shadow, it went into Will, sorta, I guess, it's hard to explain...but I think that this shadow is in Will and I think it's taking over Wills body." You say

"Why didn't you say anything before" Mike asks to which you just shrug

"So what do we do" Lucas asks

"We require more knowledge, i'll go to Wills after school. See what's going on. You guys stay here and find Dart" Mike says

"Dart? What's he gotta do with this" Dustin asks

"Will heard him in the upside down" Mike said

"She didn't" Dustin says pointing at you

"I don't know how yet, but he's gotta be connected to all this, He's gotta be" Mike says "if we find Dart, maybe we can solve this thing, maybe we can help Will

After school on your way home Dustin pitches up "I wonder if Darts ok, we can't let Lucas and Mike find him

"I know, but I'm sure he's fine and really doesn't have anything to do with Will" you reply

"Where are you? Mew-mew" you hear your mom say as you walk in "hey guys"

"Hi, hey. Hey mom" Dustin studders

"Hey mom" you say waving and rush to Dustin's room

"Everything okay?" Your mom asks

"Yeah, everything's fine. Yeah." Dustin says, you get to Dustin's room and shut the door behind you "Dart, I've gotta talk to you, buddy. It's about my friend, Will." Dustin says as you lift the blanket to reveal dart gone and a big hole in the front

"This isn't good" you say as Dustin picks up what looks like skin and goo on it

"What the hell" Dustin says the Dart screeches from behind them so they turn around to see nothing

"Dart?" You call out, you and Dustin look down to see blood you look around the chair in Dustin's room that has blood on it to see dart, eating your moms cat, Dart then looks up at you two and screeches, while it's mouth opened, Darts a demogorgan

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