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Jimin pov

Hi I'm Jimin today's is my first day of college I'm so excited about it.
I decided to wake up early today because I'm so happy I'm going to college and the good things is with my Twin Brother Taehyung is going there too.

My brother is a bit lazy when it's morning so I'm gonna try to wake him up so we can get ready.

AN pov

Jimin wake up and close his alarm, he arranged his bed and go to the bathroom to do his morning routine.

After he done he go wake up his brother.
He jump on his brother back to wake him up and scream on his ears.
« Taetae wake up it's morning our first day of college »

Taehyung groan and said. «  Minnie please let me sleep it's only 6 o'clock we still have a lot of time, Just go to sleep Eomeoni will wakes us up when the time come »

Jimin Pout and sigh and get up to.
Taehyung who can't see his baby brother make that pouty lips.His heart break when he think he's gonna make his Minnie cry,

«  Ok ok come on let us go and choose an outfit to go »
He said and immediately Jimin forget about being sad. He giggled and drag his brother by arms.

It was 7 AM, Jin's alarm got off and he wake up and see his husband hugging him by his waist. He smile and place a kiss on the man lips and said. «  Wake up sleepyhead, I'll go make breakfast while you took a shower honey. »

He go to the bathroom and do his morning routine and getting ready.

He decided to take the elevator because it's still early to take the stairs.
The elevator ding .

He make his way to the kitchen
Look for the ingredients to make breakfast for his family.

He make Pancakes, Scramble eggs, Croissant (for Taehyung), bacon, fresh orange juice, and a fruit salad bowl.

He make Pancakes, Scramble eggs, Croissant (for Taehyung), bacon, fresh orange juice, and a fruit salad bowl

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