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"Is everything okay with you and Jungkook?" Jin being the cared mother asked his son.

"Yeah we're good Ma" Jimin answered, but Jin know when he's lying. "This morning I saw him selon the floor in the kids room,Whatever's going on with you guys, I'm here for you."

Jimin looked at his mom nodded his head, he's been thinking about leaving Jungkook, but his kids can't grow up without a dad.

He's done that twice and he will keep doing it, he can't just forgive and forget like the last time Jungkook cheated on him.

Plus now he's bearing another child, He can't keep stressing and overthinking about all that, it won't be good for the baby.

He took a deep breath and lay on his mom wide shoulder, they were sitting in the living's room Watching Riverdale on the big screen TV.

The kids were on the floor playing with their toys.

To be continued......

I won't be able to continue the rest of my books I might as well delete Wattpad due to personal reasons. Sorry y'all
Love y'all 💕

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