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"Congratulations my babies I'm so happy for you all." Jin said hugging each one of the kids.

Today was there college graduation. All those times they've been taking class online at home.

Today was the day they finally done with everything. Jimin have an amazing family with two kids and a lovely fiancé.

Taehyung have an amazing boyfriend as well with a beautiful baby girl. Jin and Namjoon was so happy for their kids.

The sope couple was also there for Jungkook. Today he was graduating too. Then he can took over his dad business.
After Bogum left him and his dad relationship was getting somewhere.

When he and Jimin married they gonna merged their company together.

Namjoon was thinking about retiring and spend time with his husband and his cute grandbabies.

Jimin run to Jungkook and hug him. "Congratulations my love I love you so much." He kissed him and Jungkook retuning the kiss.

Putting his arm around Jimin waist and bring him closer. Until someone clears their throat. Jimin blushed and pulled away.

"I love my grand babies but y'all just have one calm down." Yoongi said. Everyone laugh. Except Jimin he was a blushing mess.

They went out for dinner as a family and Yunki clear his throat getting everyone attention around the table.

"Me and Taehyung wanted to share something with you all." He said and take Taehyung's hand and help him standing up.

"I'm pregnant." Taehyung squeal with a boxy smile and everyone started congrats them. Jimin was so happy for his brother And so is everyone else.

"I'll take Jimin's and Jungkook's kids for the night." Hoseok said after they finished their dinner. It was time to go home now.

Yoongi glare at Hoseok it's not like he doesn't like them. But Jungmin is a little trouble maker and he sure he can said goodbye to his sleep tonight.

"Are you sure." Jungkook ask knowing his son very well. And Hoseok nodded his head. "Then me and Joonie will take Taehee." Jin said and Namjoon look at him.

"We will?" He question and Jin gave him a glare. Namjoon clear his throat smiling nervously. "Oh Yeah we will." Everyone laugh at him.

They parted their way. Jungkook and Jimin go to his penthouse it was a gift from his dad. He never bring Jimin there actually.

Today they we're going to spend some time without their kids. Yunki and Taehyung decide to go to Get ice cream first because Taehyung wanted some.

"We have a long night head of us." Removing his shirt off. Bringing Jimin closer to his body. Jimin nodded and bite a smile.

A little smut ;)

Jungkook leaned in to kiss the plump lips and sneakily slipped his large hard cock inside of Jimin

and immediately began to thrust forward, the smaller males lips parted to let out a loud breathless gasp

followed up whimpering moans that echoed throughout the bedroom. "Oh, ahh, J-jung, k-kooook!!" Jimin mewled in that heavenly high pitched voice.

Jimin had his fingers gripping onto Jungkook's thighs, tugging on him to get closer and crying out when he felt the big length going in impossibly deeper.

Like how harder he was moving. The slapping noises, grunts and groans were getting louder.

Jungkook look down to see his dick being swallowed up, disappearing inside Jimin's hole.


"Tae is that you?" Taehyung look up and saw someone he didn't want to see ever in his life.

Done :/

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