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When Jungkook got in his senses, Jimin's already left .

Jungkook ran and found Jimin packed his bag to leave.

"Minnie baby please listen to me I—"

Jimin didn't let him finish his sentence and slap Jungkook's face.

"How dare you, You got you wanted right, Gosh I'm so stupid to fall in love with you, and now I'm fucking carrying your child, I don't ever want to see your face anymore Jungkook."

Everyone was now in the room, wanting to know what's going on.

"What's going on here."
Namjoon asked.

"Ask Him. Maybe he will tell you all right Brother."

"Jungkook" Hoseok said, glaring at him.

"Ok, I had a girlfriend Name Rose, her parents wanted her to go study fashion in Paris, we didn't break up, we always talked but one day, we stop talking, and that's when I met Jimin, since that day I met him I fell in love at first sight, 
And she called I was in a relationship with Jimin I was gonna tell her
She Apologize and tell me she loves me and coming for me , we were in the call she heard Jimin call my name and ask who he is and I said Jimin's was my brother, But today she called and Jimin took the call she tell Jimin everything,"

Jungkook finished with tears in his eyes looking at Jimin who was sobbing in Taehyung's chest.
Everyone in the room was shocked to hear this.

"Mommy I wanna go home and Jungkook WE.ARE.DONE." He threw the ring at Jungkook and ran out of the room.

"Minnie baby please don't do this. I'm sorry, I'll fix everything, I can't lose you baby." Jungkook ran after Jimin.

The family downstairs.
"Ill go pack Our bag." Tae said the rest nodded their heads. The vacation was ruined.

3 Weeks after the incident Jimin doesn't talk with Jungkook but Jungkook alway tries to talk to him but gets ignored by Jimin.

But today he's not gonna give up.

Jimin in their shared bedroom, Jungkook had just finished showering.

"Hey baby." But Jimin ignored him like always.
He walked up to Jimin and took his hand, Jimin started to wriggle out his hand, but Jungkook ignored his little fights.

"Stop fighting Jimin."He said with a deep voice.

He makes Jimin sit on their bed.
"Baby please talk to me, it's been three weeks, I'm hurting Minnie baby I missed you so much."

He cupped Jimin both cheeks with his hand , looking in his eyes with blurry eyes.

"I already broke up with her and. Tell her everything baby, I'm sorry please forgive me baby, I'll do anything for your forgiveness.

Jimin wanted to kiss Jungkook so badly and said he forgave him but he was hurt, He wanted to know how many people he said that he was his brother.

"You hurt me Jungkook, How many know that I'm your brother not your Boyfriend or the future mother of your child huh Jungkook tell me."

Jimin was hitting Jungkook's chest with his fist but They don't even hurt Jungkook.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry do whatever you want with me but please don't leave me."

Jungkook held Jimin's hand and got in slowly with their nose touched, both of them could smell their breath. Finally their lips touched.

After 5 minutes of kissing, Jimin put his head on Jungkook Chest he didn't say anything.

"Baby Did you forgive me?"
Junsgkook asked with a cute voice.

Jimin just nodded and said "But I'm not your friend, you're still sleeping on the couch."

Jungkook chuckled and said"Thank you so much baby."

They shared a kiss again.
The kiss was going deep but they got interrupted by Taehyung.

" Minnie where's your blue panties—-OMG Y'all can just lock the door."
Tae screaming and slammed the door.


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